The episode that started it all, Pilotus, fills the 7:00pm time slot this week which is usually occupied by a brand new episode of AKPF #1. If you were longing for original content, fret not! AKPF #1 returns next week with the premiere of episode 06, followed by the freshly cut episode 07 the following week. In those episodes, you’ll hear about historic revelations by whistleblower Edward Snowden, get the latest from the Robin Hooding case in Cheshire court, and see updates from the streets as an ally of Robin Hood is attacked by an angry man bent on preventing the documentation of an environment at thirty frames per second. In the meantime, relive the simpler existence from which the AKPF emerged, in the classic premiere episode Pilotus.
Another Monday has arrived, and with it, another spellbinding episode of the most controversial cable access program on Cheshire TV; AKPF is still #1. This week begins with a throwback to the television gold of Wacky Delly, quickly followed up by a special newscast from the DPRK’s official teleprint, Keene Slantinel. Among the other noteworthy happenings in this entry include the ludicrous lemonade and iced tea arrest of rapper X in North Carolina, and a unique submission entitled ‘Illuminati Media Exposed’ produced by youtube’s own Vigilant Christian Mario. Check out the latest and greatest, episode 05 Sentential embedded below:
1. 00:10 Opening Wacky Delly Meets Parking Force
2. 01:36 An official newscast from official Keene Slantinel of DPRK
3. 02:06 Freddie P joins AKPF via chalk removal
4. 04:40 James is indoctrinated in matters of law by Off. Jason Short
5. 06:51 Garret is indoctrinated in matters of law by Off. Fintan Moore
6. 09:38 CC.FPP puppy interlude (Yellow Labradors)
7. 09:42 The Ballistic Engineered BEARCAT Attack Truck arrives from the Lenco
8. 10:59 James C intros ‘Environmentally Friendly’ prequel/followup
9. 12:07 Garret intros X’s Lemonade/Iced Tea arrest with Peace Tea (more…)
Coming strong and solid following the denunciation of the program by the Keene Sentinel, we’re proud to present the fourth installment of AKPF #1. In this episode, we continue to explore the media explosion surrounding the Robin Hood of Keene lawsuit, while highlighting some golden oldies from the files of Aqua Keene.
1. 00:10 Opening AKPF Intro feat. the music of Too Short
2. 01:54 James Fallon introduces the Robin Hooders
3. 02:38 Dr. Dave joins the AKPF haranguement squad
4. 08:10 James shows how it is done on a very special FOX News broadcast
5. 12:10 Bill Miles delivers and important message about science in this submission
6. 14:03 CC.FPP puppy interlude (German Shepherd)
7. 14:09 WTNH Voice of the People heaps praise on Robin Hood of Keene and the Merry Men
8. 15:23 James F intros Pete Eyre’s RHK lawsuit overview from
9. 20:43 Court Jester Tom Mullins declines communicating on the record.
10. 23:23 Peace News Now reports on the case (more…)
The organizer of a pro-welfare protest in Concord informs the protestors that Dave Ridley from Ridley Report is a “tracker from the Free State Project” and asks them not to talk to him on-camera. Ridley is also accused of the favorite claim that liberty activists edit footage unfairly:
The latest episode of Peace News Now is particularly exciting, as it features two powerful peaceful resisters, Ian Freeman & Mark Baker. Learn more about Mark Baker at his site,
If you enjoy the show, please subscribe to our youtube channel! You can also support the show with a donation: 1PeaceUVNF3zoFXjMPoTN6S3ssDrhgxTEJ
As you may recall, my tenants were raided last summer as a pretext to enter the Keene Activist Center. The city people claim they are only interested in fire safety and whether the home was being run as a “lodging house”. I challenged the validity of the original administrative inspection warrant and this was the hearing on that matter, that was originally set to be a full trial. The full trial date is now pending the judge (Runyon) deciding the warrant was valid in the first place: