Dave Ridley has returned to the state house in Concord to confront big government state reps and lobbyists with his camera, ambush-interview-style. Here some lobbyist threatens to call security on Dave and hides out from his dangerous video camera:
This week’s AKPF #1, Forum Blazing Conference reflects on a new direction following the NH Liberty Forum of 2014, from which footage will appear in next week’s episode.
0:00 – Cheshire TV disclaimer 0:10 – Huey Newton interviews William F Buckley on the colonist position 5:15 – Irvin Rosenfeld blazes up in the New Hampshire statehouse smoking room in Concord on 12 May 2012 26:45 – Jeffrey Tucker talks to the Russia Today RT about bitcoin and the incarceration of Charlie Shrem 28:50 – End disclaimer
Thursday Darryl and I appeared at the state house in Concord for the Criminal Justice committee hearing of a new cannabis decriminalization bill that would reduce the penalty of possession of up to an ounce of cannabis to only a violation punishable with a $100 fine.
The committee is full of people who know this issue and are very educated about decriminalization and legalization. This bill has passed the house several times in the past, by a wide margin. Perhaps that’s why the police actually didn’t show up! Normally they show up in uniform to oppose any decrim proposal, but not this time! However a couple of state attorneys, one for the attorney general’s office and another from the “department of safety”, did show up to support the status quo and they got GRILLED by the committee:
While other states like CT and NY have recently passed more gun control legislation, New Hampshire’s state house today soundly defeated a proposal to ban all personal firearms sales! There really is no place like New Hampshire, where Republicans tend to vote for gay marriage and Democrats tend to vote against gun control measures! (If you love liberty, you should join the Free State Project and move here and get active!) Here’s a rundown from Examiner.com:
Today was the big vote on HB 1589, a gun control bill brought forth by House Democrats. As has been previously discussed, this bill was based on false premises, bogus studies and statistics that did not apply to the Granite State. An amendment was brought forth by Representative Laura Jones which would require a study commission be set up to further study the bill. This amendment passed with 177-175 votes.
HB 1589 was officially amended to a study commission which was then voted on by the House in an overwhelming win of 242-118, essentially killing the bill. There was a further motion to be sure the bill was sufficiently dead and buried that then passed by 244-113. This was a defining victory for the gun rights activists in New Hampshire who have been working non-stop against the out-of-state gun control advocates who wrote this bill and were pushing for its passage. (more…)
Today’s Monitor published a story which covers the public hearing on a bill designed to curb police militarization by limiting what grants law enforcement agencies can be approved for in New Hampshire. The hearing was attended by the usually mute Keene police chief Kenneth Meola, who praised the BEARCAT’s presence in Keene for its low cost. Check out the story linked below by Kathleen Ronayne:
This informative installment of AKPF #1 takes you all the way to Concord, NH to sit in on the exciting hearing on the wiretapping law for the state, which currently is responsible for granting police the authority to kidnap and rob from innocent human beings under the guise of combating illegal recording. We even hear from bureaucrats who admit their deep-seated fear of recording devices and the individuals who wield them, as well as receiving updates from the cannabis legalization progression in Colorado. In a world where herbs are legal, the ability to make objective records is sure to follow closely behind.