AKPF #1: Conspiracies Abound

This wonderful commemorative Dear Leader’s Day edition of AKPF #1 delves into a number of ancient conspiracy theories and their modern connection, including through Peace Tea. While broadcasting on schedule on Cheshire TV, the episode was compromised on YouTube for copyrotten reasons. Fortunately, LiveLeak stepped in a saved the day, and prior an outlet for human beings around the world to consume AKPF #1, despite state censorship attempts. See the first ever LiveLeak distributed AKPF #1 episode Conspiracies Abound below.


My Responses to Keene Sentinel Questionnaire for School Board Candidates

I’m running for Keene school board again as a member of the NH Liberty Party and have been given the usual questionnaire by the Keene Sentinel.

Please see the answers on my candidate’s page here at NHLiberty.info.

Please vote Freeman for school board on March 11th. Here’s information about where to vote:

Wards 1, 2 & 3 vote at the Keene Recreation Center, 312 Washington Street
Wards 4 & 5 vote at the First Baptist Church, 105 Maple Avenue

CoK Attorneys File for Mediation Conferences

Thursday’s Keene Sentinel featured an update on the Robin Hood saga penned by Kyle Jarvis. The article overviews how the case is being prepped for presentation to the New Hampshire supreme court, where before being scheduled requires both parties to consider the possibility of mandatory mediation. The mediation process would involve a closed-door meeting between both parties to agree on a legal compromise. Mediation is certainly a fitting alternative to the courts for conflict resolution when a conflict exists, but as is uniquely the case in Keene, city officials can’t cite a single grievance against the Robin Hooders collectively beyond expressing a desire that they do not be in the proximity of or communicate with parking enforcers. For some individual Robin Hooders, no specific issues have been raised at all, and considering that Pete Eyre is still named in the suit when he has at no time been associated with Robin Hood of Keene demonstrates the indiscriminate nature of the city’s straw-grasping lawsuit. Early in the suit, the city requested the ability to add defendants to the case at will, but apparently ceased its hunt for the underground Robin Hooders after at least two individuals officially requested attachment to the suit and were denied, despite one presenting evidence of longtime participation in the activity.

RobinHoodTrial_ Day3Part 5_10meyerkissingerWhile the ruling from judge John Kissinger was reasonable, a further contemplation of the case may have demonstrated the need for a less traditional ruling, which may have alleviated some of the issues that the legal department of “city of Keene” continues to press today. Though the judge never authorized “harassment and intimidation”, the ruling states only that the facts presented did not constitute any actionable activity. Yet the city’s attorney asserted this about the ruling: “The Order holds that the individual protesters have no duty to be reasonable in their actions and conduct directed toward public employees while doing their jobs … that the individual protesters are allowed to interfere, harass, and intimidate public employees while doing their jobs … (and) that the individual protesters may engage in inappropriate and unreasonable actions and conduct directed at public employees while doing their jobs.” Not only is it unkind to mischaracterize constitutionally protected speech as “harassment and intimidation,” but it is also a distortion of the actual text of the ruling. Perhaps mediation would have been most pertinent prior to the many hours spent in court, where it could have been cleared up ahead of time that Robin Hooders do not engage in harassment and intimidation. Of course, when myself I tried mediate with the city’s attorney prior to court, my camera was stolen for two months under the guise of “illegal wiretapping”. (more…)

The Most Entertaining State House Hearing I’ve Ever Seen

Thursday Darryl and I appeared at the state house in Concord for the Criminal Justice committee hearing of a new cannabis decriminalization bill that would reduce the penalty of possession of up to an ounce of cannabis to only a violation punishable with a $100 fine.

The committee is full of people who know this issue and are very educated about decriminalization and legalization. This bill has passed the house several times in the past, by a wide margin. Perhaps that’s why the police actually didn’t show up! Normally they show up in uniform to oppose any decrim proposal, but not this time! However a couple of state attorneys, one for the attorney general’s office and another from the “department of safety”, did show up to support the status quo and they got GRILLED by the committee:

Here’s a full video of the very entertaining hearing, courtesy Biker Bill:

Robin Hood Threatener Arraigned in New Keene Court

On the morning of February 10 in the new Cheshire county court building, which houses the Keene District Court, the room was packed as usual for arraignments. Travis Hobbs, who had made himself the subject of a video posted to Fr33manTVraw by threatening and attacking Robin Hooders, was present to plead not guilty to multiple charges of criminal threatening. Though it is unclear specifically as no state paperwork is currently available from this case, information from the Keene police suggest that Travis is facing four misdemeanor charges of criminal threatening. Shortly after the incident, Screenshot-courtkeenenhhobbsthe KPD requested that a statement be provided which outlines the events documented on video on the afternoon of Friday, August 02. Some of the information pertaining to the case was read aloud by Edward Burke. Below is video from the portion of the arraignment that occurred before the judge. Individual conferences with the representative of the prosecutor, KPD’s James Cemorelis (in police attire with firearm), occurred as each person demanded present was called past the bar prior to the judge’s arrival. The trial date has been set for June 17, and the defendant was appointed a public defender.


Emerson’s Towing & Repairs driver threatens Robin Hooder Graham Colson

On February 6th, 2014 at 1:13 PM, Emerson Lyons Jr., a tow truck driver employed by Emerson’s Towing And Repair, which can be found on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/EmersonsTowing, arrived on Gilbo Avenue to tow a vehicle that Parking Enforcement Officer Jane Vigneau had called in for what is assumed to be unpaid extortion fees, more commonly referred to as parking tickets. The moment the tow truck driver stepped out of his door, he threatened to knock my teeth out for filiming him in public, from twenty feet away. He can be found on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/emerson.lyons

While I generally try to refrain from resorting to name calling, I did refer to this individual as a “fucking loser” towards the end of the interaction, which given the circumstances was certainly justified but still not entirely appropriate or intelligent of me.

In some positive news, this interaction occurred due to the fact that I’m Robin Hooding again, and will be nearly every day of the week for the foreseeable future!

To the officer of the Keene Police Department that’s been assigned to reading this article, I don’t want charges of any kind filed against Emerson Lyons Jr., and I will not be cooperating with your criminal organization in any capacity on this matter.