CoK Publishes AKPF Photo Album

2013_08_12_rhphoto_015bOn the date of Robin Hood of Keene’s evidentiary hearing this past Monday, the Merry People were provided with what may otherwise be considered a friendship gesture, in the form of a photo album organized by the bureaucrats of the Democratic People’s Republic of Keene (Official DPRK). The album, much like the video that they played in court, in many ways violates the best evidence rule, as an upcoming video will address. It’s also worth noting the lack of an adblock program on DPRK computer machines — how obsolete! In the meantime, enjoy perusing the album created by the city and also enjoy this summary video of Pete Eyre’s testimony at Monday’s hearing. The video below will be airing in this upcoming week’s AKPF #1 timeslot. (more…)

Cheshire TV Stars Meet in Series Crossover

While Robin Hooding this past Saturday in Keene, there was much Cheshire TV series crossover occuring, as Merry person Garret was joined by Black Sheep Rising producer and 2013_08_10_ji_akpf1co-host Conan, as well as the mute miniature pinscher co-host Ji. Fans of the AKPF #1 series would be familiar with the parking enforcers who star in the program. The after-hours mature talk show, Black Sheep Rising, is well known for its mascot studio dog Jioto, or more simply known as Ji. While Ji was actively participating in Robin Hooding for most of the day, he did take a break to beg the friendly parking enforcer for treats. AKPF agent Jane satisfied his request before the impassioned young canine set back out to filling expired meters for his hominid comrades.

Robin Hood’s Court Challenge

beseeingyou_pjkeeneThe long awaited day will be soon upon us, as Prince John Maclean and his court Jester Tom Mullins take Robin Hood of Keene to court. While the legal wranglers conspired deviously behind the scenes, the Merry women and men prepared for the showdown on the court itself. This morning, the following video was released to AKPF confirming that the resistance is ready to taste victory in the face of the royalty’s bold challenge.

VIDEO: Travis Hobbs Attacks Robin Hooders

Robin Hooding has been going strong and consistent since around the turn of the new year. In the thousands of collective hours that the Merry people have spent marching the streets of Keene, we’ve seen our share of haters. For every few supporters, there’s usually one detractor, and of the few dozen who will yell out profanities or insults, only a handful have ever gotten physical. There was Bradford Hutchinson, a well known indigent local who often goes under the moniker ‘the King of Keene’ online. He was upset over the Merry people’s nullification of the parking enforcer’s jobs, and expressed himself by waving a can of pepper spray in Garret’s face before trying to grab him around the head. Deflected with minimal resistance, he eventually wandered off on his own.

Then there was Nicholas McCallister, who seemed less concerned about Robin Hooding and more concerned with civilians in possession of cameras. He began threatening me while I was with James and Graham, while none of us were filming, thus resulting in him getting his wish and becoming a video star. For all of his huffing and puffing, he seemed content with punching James in the arm and, like Bradford, wandering off. (more…)

Wiretapping Secret Search Warrant Revealed

joedirusso_dprkpoliceToday at noon, the secret search warrant sought by the furtive NH state police trooper Joseph DiRusso was unsealed, having been cast into shadow by its robed rubber stamper judge Edward Burke. In the text, we learn several intriguing facts. Prince John himself was involved in the plot to snatch my camera, as well as royal police chief Kenneth Meola, conveniently utilizing a legal means of attack in addition to the frivolous Robin Hooding lawsuit that the Prince and Jester already have levelled against area activists.

princejohn_maclean_akpfIn a previous update, we learned that the original unseal date of July 26 was extended until August 6, with no reason given. On the first page of the secret warrant, we see the request for the extension, which cites a backlog at the NH State Police crime lab of over a year. Specifically for this case, the laboratory search of my property was expedited to be done within 45 days. How important must this wiretapping charge be to Keene city bureaucrats and their minions in the state police? I certainly hope that no evidence pertaining to actual crime had its analysis delayed so that DiRusso could waste time seeking something innocuous that doesn’t even exist.

Reading through the search warrant, nothing included seems to demonstrate probable cause of criminal activity beyond that jester Tom Mullins found my recollection of the conversation accurate in his opinion. Opinion is not probable cause. To back up Mullins’ baseless claim, DiRusso arrogantly fancies himself a witness to the event, despite not even being there (unless he was hiding in the Jester’s office closet at the time). Joseph DiRussio writes, “Throughout the course of my career, I have conducted numerous interviews which required me to take notes of what was said. I have thoroughly reviewed Attachment #1 and would not have been able to create such a detailed interview of said meeting by means of memory and one page of written notes.”

How could a judge possibly have found this pulled out-of-thin-air nonsense to constitute the legal standard of probable cause? Under what authority can DiRusso attest to the accuracy of reports from scenes that he was not even witness to? (more…)

AKPF #1 – Conspiritual

princejohn_clockworkelvesAKPF #1 episode 10: Conspiritual breaks new ground with fresh submissions obtained from the official Keene city bureaucrats. The first portion of the program sees Prince John and Jester Mullins take to the floor and lay out their conspiracy delusions for the entertainment of the civilian population. The videos obtained by and aired on AKPF #1 demonstrate a pattern of irrational paranoia on the part of high ranking officials, as CoK agents tipped their hand en route down the rabbit hole by accusing Robin Hood and the Merry (wo)Men of a civil conspiracy. After Prince John relays his account of recent history involving PKD, DMT, and clockwork elves, his jester sends a firm warning to renowned film director Robert Rodriguez regarding his Machete action/adventure series. Also included are updates from rapper Xstrav arrested for drinking iced tea and a trailer for FreeConcord’s Occupied Chicago: The NATO Summit Protest Tapes, which is scheduled to broadcast on Cheshire TV’s mature after-hours programming block soon.

1. 00:10 Opening Black/Death Metal Music
2. 01:47 Alex Jones introduces new revelations from CoK city bureaucrats and fans
3. 02:30 A royal proclamation by Prince John introduced by city crier
4. 02:44 Predictions of a new world globalist conspiracy order are imagined by Prince John
5. 05:03 Peace Tea clockwork elves cans
6. 05:48 Colt 45 40s in the 40s (and 50s)
7. 12:07 Court Jester Mullins issues a dire warning to acclaimed film director Robert Rodriguez.
8. 13:36 Machete with a special cinco de mayo message for Arizona
9. 14:12 Introducing Don Johnson
10. 16:45 FOX corporate makes a boatload of money on all of it (more…)