Here is the latest video I produced for the ADAM VS THE MAN Newscast. A few of the videos I have produced so far have gone viral, and I’m excited to see what will happen with this one. I am proud of this project, and I’m looking forward to producing more for you to enjoy in the future. This was written by one of the talented writers for AVTM, Rahul Kanwar. I read, recorded, and edited. If you want to catch more videos like this one, subscribe to my blog over at LiveFreeOrDance.com

Guest Blog about Ademo by Tom Knapp at C4SS: “The State is an Autoimmune Disease”

Free AdemoTom Knapp at the Center for a Stateless Society has this to say about the Ademo conviction:

“Autoimmune diseases,” per the Wikipedia article on same, “arise from an inappropriate immune response of the body against substances and tissues normally present in the body. In other words, the immune system mistakes some part of the body as a pathogen and attacks its own cells.”

Analogizing from autoimmune disease to political government has its dangers — foremost among them the fact that any such analogy requires us to think of society as a sort of super-organism with its own interests separate from and superseding those of its constituent parts, people — but I don’t think the analogy is a poor one. If there really is such a thing as “the body politic,” the nation-state is to that body as lupus or multiple sclerosis is to an individual human body.

The most advanced stages of the disease are easily identifiable: Mussolini’s “everything in the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state” sums them up rather neatly. (more…)