AKPF #1: Festivial

groupphotoporcfestThis week’s stellar installment of the AKPF #1 series features footage captured during the annual Porcupine Freedom Festival, held between June 22-29 in Lancaster, New Hampshire. The gathering was noteworthy for the prolific use of alternative currency by attendees, where vendors readily accepted not only cryptocurrency, but also the elusive Obamacoin, which traded at both three for one dollar as well as the spot price of four per dollar. As usual, the event set a record for participants in attendance.

Free Rich Paul Sign Wave at the Jail

Hero Rich Paul is behind bars again! He is currently wearing orange and being held in D-Block. (That’s where they keep prisoners who haven’t yet been sentenced.) He can accept visitors, but not phone calls. The best way to write to him is using a free service called http://MailtoJail.com. He might be in there for a while, so please write him often, as it is his only connection to the outside world.

Except one. The Jail Sign-Wave is an activism event where people bring banners, posters, and flags outside the jail, and they wave up at the prisoners caged inside. Word quickly spreads around the cell block, and soon everyone is at their windows waving back. Many of them will never have a single visitor for months or years. There’s a reason they come to the windows and wave every week. Humans need connection.


AKPF #1: Year of Television

AKPF #1, a series that began bringing the internet to the television over one year ago, celebrates this week its revolutionary anniversary episode. With DPRK fireworks erupting over opening credits, the scene unfolds from the People’s BBQ in Central Square, which was enjoyed on Friday, March 9 between five and seven pm. With approximately thirty tacos distributed to the people, a strictly regimented battalion of STOP FREE KEENE!!! silent ObamaCoin-1aprotesters picketed the barbecue, facing traffic at the head of the grassy roundabout. What occurs is street preaching, sociological analyses, and fetishistic disavowal. Following the feature, we cut to two days prior, as local business Phat Stuff is pillaged by the Drug Enforcement Agency operating at the behest of the federal department of justice. Be sure to stay tuned until the show’s conclusion for a brief Obamacoin presentation.

Announcing the Robin Hood of Keene People’s BBQ May 9

Robin Hood and the Merry People are pleased to announce a very special public event to be held on Central Square on Friday, 09 May 2014. To commemorate the first year anniversary of service of the lawsuit by the city of Keene against Robin Hood and bbqrhimg02friends, a free barbeque for the people will kick off at 5:00pm, just as the hours of parking enforcement conclude for the day. All peaceful people are invited to take part in this event and are free to bring along food and drink to share, or simply bring one’s own smile and share in the good company of others.

The people’s BBQ will be a great opportunity to meet Robin Hooders and other activists in the Keene area, and to voice one’s own ideas for how to make our community’s activities more effective. Beef tacos and bottled water will be available for all, as well as a vegan option to be determined. For more information, check out the event on Robin Hood of Keene’s facebook page.