In a video captured by a student in Gilford, a school bus driver admits to a student that the camera on the bus is recording audio. By definition, this is “wiretapping”, according to a ridiculous, draconian NH statute that most other states do not have. In most places, you can record a conversation so long as one person knows it’s being recorded. In New Hampshire, the supposed “live free or die” state, every party to the recording must be aware, and depending on your interpretation, consent. What the school board in Gilford is doing is not legal, but it should be – for everyone. The wiretapping statute only protects bad bureaucrats and business people from accountability and needs to be heavily gutted or repealed entirely.
Here’s the brief student video where they announce they are recording and then the driver admits the permanently mounted camera at the front of the bus has been recording audio. Will the Gilford school superintendent be arrested? Don’t hold your breath. They save their “wiretapping” arrests for activists like Ademo Freeman of Cop Block.
Heroic activist, blogger, entrepreneur, and Free State Project participant James Cleaveland was sentenced in Judge Burke’s courtroom in Keene, New Hampshire for the charges of “disorderly conduct” and “resisting arrest”. His charges stem from a June 30th incident in which James was video recording police. According to officer accounts, James was ordered to move back from an “active scene,” and he complied. After complying with the first officer’s request, a different officer demanded he move back further. He refused and was arrested. (more…)
At a recent, well-attended and lengthy hearing held by the criminal justice committee at the state house regarding studying cannabis legalization, a state representative from Rockingham, Kyle Tasker, put his freedom on the line.
The cop behind him didn’t seem to know what to do. After all, he likely wouldn’t hesitate to arrest Tasker for possessing cannabis in the streets. However, arresting him in front of the committee would only prove the point of the cannabis freedom activists – that people are arrested all the time for cannabis – something about which the police frequently mislead the legislators. (more…)
Keenevention‘s closing keynote speech in 2014 was delivered by heroic cannabis activist Rich Paul, who faced down 100 years in prison by refusing the plea deal and taking his cannabis dealing charges to a jury. Sadly, he was convicted and spent about a year of his life in jail for standing for his principles. He’s out now and has been instrumental in forming a board of directors for the new Here’s the video of his speech:
Here’s a fascinating post by freedom-hating blog Miscellany Blue that does a great job at summing up some of the really exciting things that will be happening at the annual Grafton, NH town meeting. It’s a testament to the power of numbers. With relatively few movers to Grafton, liberty activists have the state-supporters on the defensive, desperately begging for advocates of coercion to come to said meeting. Here’s the report from Miscellany Blue’s William Tucker:
The town of Grafton is ground zero in the Free Stater effort to move in and dismantle government. The group’s antics during last year’s town meeting — which began with an argument over the “Rules of Decorum” that prohibited cursing, name calling and personal attacks — made national headlines. “This year’s meeting should be even more interesting,” brags Free libertarianin an online comment. (more…)