After introducing their official New Hampshire vodka over the holiday season, the state’s liquor commission has just released a video advertisement for the beverage that represents the executive of our nation’s government. With proceeds from the sales of the hard drug going to repair flags severely damaged by wars, the state has invested generous resources into promoting the vodka, with no less than governor Maggie Hassan herself presenting the drink at press conferences and now, starring in this short commercial for the product. The official New Hampshire state vodka is available at all New Hampshire Wine & Liquor Outlets and has additionally received the endorsement of former governor John Lynch. Rumors have circulated that the beverage was also what filled councilor’s glasses at the central committee inauguration held on New Year’s day in the democratic people’s republic of Keene. Get yours today for only 29.99!
A recent appearance by the crew of AKPF #1 to the Black Sheep Rising dialogue program has been reduxed down to 29 minutes to air in this week’s Aqua Keene timeslot. Check out this insightful episode where we discuss the Robin Hood saga, DPRK, and canines instilled with a fear of cats.
As reported here this week, I was threatened with arrest along with Darryl for handing out fliers inside the new courthouse. Further, on Wednesday, Jason Repsher was similarly threatened by court security agents. I went to court this morning for Graham’s trespass case and was told there is a new “order” in place for both courthouses. I was given a copy of said order. Basically, it continues the standing media restrictions in all NH courthouses, and further bans any distribution of literature inside the courthouse.
The new order is signed by both robed men, Edward J. Burke and John C. Kissinger, and with the whisk of their pens, freedom of speech has now been prohibited along with freedom of the press.
It matters not that I’ve been handing out “Don’t Take the Plea Deal” flyers in the public lobby of the district court in Keene (as well as other district courts in NH) for years. Now if I hand someone a flyer, I’ll go to a cage for an indefinite period of time for “contempt”. “Contempt” is a “power” that robed men have that is inherent in the system, not statutorily authorized, meaning there’s no way to change that part of the system, and there’s no way to challenge a contempt ruling, as I understand it. They literally can cage you forever with virtually no accountability.
So much for freedom of speech and the press inside government buildings. If you want to speak, you can do it outside in the freezing cold or rain.
I was nearly arrested today at the new superior court building while doing jury nullification outreach for the first time in 2014 and also the first time at the new building. In the several year history of doing jury outreach at the court, we’ve never had any real issues, but that’s because we never went inside the court building to conduct the outreach. That’s what set them off today, as they clearly want to protect their new territory from those darn activists who always want to exercise their rights, in this case, freedom of speech.
After I’d successfully handed out a couple dozen fliers in the superior court lobby, court security officer Bob Tebo approached, accused me of “soliciting” and called the sheriffs. I then called up Darryl who was doing “Don’t Take the Plea Deal” outreach the floor below at district court to come record and witness the coming threats. (Darryl had no similar issues with district court’s more professional security staff, by the way.) While waiting, I continued to hand out fliers. Here’s the video, courtesy of Darryl:
Sheriff’s deputy Shanks arrives with another of the grumpy court security officers. (more…)