Youtube Censors Chalking Videos

Some government agent whined to YouTube about his appearance in a video of the chalking of the Concord federal building by NH liberty activist Biker Bill and YouTube obediently pulled down his videos. Bill has re-uploaded them to a different video service. Full story here. The censored videos are below:

The TSA and the State House(s)

Considering the recent and dramatic escalation of the security theater’s intrusion into the world of air travel (i.e. body scanners and invasive pat-down procedures), and moreover considering the recent news about the New Jersey state legislature’s resolution (plain HTML here) which “Urges Congress and President to address certain concerns raised by advanced imaging technology employed at airports or to discontinue their use,” I had been strongly desiring to see a way to press this issue in other regions besides New Jersey.

Lo and behold, such an opportunity has appeared to me, in the form of an activist of long-time New Hampshire residence, whose acquaintance I’ve been honored to have made not long after I first moved to New Hampshire, namely Leah Wolczko. She has reported to me that she has arranged to meet with New Hampshire representative Bill O’Brien, to discuss drafting a similar resolution for New Hampshire.

What she would like to do, is to include as many name+town listings in the signature section of her letter, which she will be presenting to Representative O’Brien on Monday, November 29th:  (more…)

WMUR Video of Opt-Outreach Event

OptoutHere’s WMUR TV’s story on today’s outreach at Manchester Airport, which happened all day long. I attended, with my not-so-great sign (I should have taken the time to fill-in the letters – it reads ‘US OUT OF NH – SECEDE NOW’) from 10a-2p and while I was there I saw a minimum of thirty activists, most of which were still there around 2pm.

There may still be an airport outreach event going on near you. Visit for details.