Blogger to Kick Off Road Trip Tomorrow from San Francisco to New Hampshire!

Robert Taylor

Robert Taylor, Hitting the Road to NH from San Francisco

Expanding further New Hampshire’s dominance as the liberty media capitol if the world, Robert Taylor, blogger at “A Little Rebellion” is moving to the Shire as part of the Free State Project.  His most recent post explains his wise decision to join with thousands of other liberty-loving people here and help us get closer to freedom.  He’s getting married today and the newlyweds will be hitting the road for a six-week journey to New Hampshire as of tomorrow.  What an exciting change!

In his post, Robert explains why he’s excited to move away from his home, the unfree state of California:

The idea behind the FSP is simple and revolutionary: get as many libertarians and liberty lovers as possible to move to the comparatively liberty-friendly state of New Hampshire to participate in activism, influence the culture, build lives and possibly create a free society in our lifetimes.


Or at the very least, it will be a safe-haven for those seeking liberty and the infinite ways people can peacefully organize and assemble their lives and pursue their own individual goals. Even if the FSP’s ultimate goal is futile, the possibility of thousands of people in the same geographic area using Bitcoin, growing gardens not governments, withdrawing their consent, raising their kids without the horrifying government monopoly on education, and living and breathing liberty is too exciting to pass up.


It is a daunting task, but in my opinion, this “voting with your feet” model is the best chance for liberty to survive, grow and thrive in a country and world mired in state power in all of its various and frightening stripes. Scattered across the country, libertarians are a fringe, lonely force with no influence. But together, we can be a force for peace and human liberty, a quiet example to the rest of the world that there is still a small fire that burns.

You can read his full post on his blog, “A Little Rebellion“.  Welcome in advance, Robert and Rachel – it’s great to be in New Hampshire if you love liberty.

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