Keene Police Take Car Off Private Property

**Please see [Read More] for the answer to this question from Lt Maxfield**

Why, on April 12, 2009, did the Keene Police take this car off a private driveway? Was this an unwelcome visitor to this property? Was there an issue with the owner’s temporary license plates? Was there “contraband” found inside the vehicle? It should also be noted that the car was driven to the flatbed, so the police had the car’s keys as well.


OK, I’m going to “address your concerns.”

The car was towed because of this: . If you had actually asked the cop, instead of presuming he or she should have come over to you to explain themselves, then you would know.

Driver was well under 21yoa, had alcohol in the car. Driver gets arrested, car gets towed, that’s the law. He didn’t live at that address, that’s just where he happened to pull into when he was stopped for blowing through a stop sign (and endangering people by doing so). It’s called the “Kingston Decision” and is the result of a private lawsuit several years ago, one of the results of which was we, the police, have had any discretion on that specific situation legislatively removed. If the officer had done otherwise, they certainly would have gotten disciplined and possibly fired.

I’m going to ASSume you didn’t ask the cop, just the tow truck guy. If you did ask the cop, and they ignored you and just drove off, let me know, because that’s not how I’ve told them to interact with you folks. That’s not the openness and respect I’ve told them to afford you guys.


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