Sam’s Jail Blog: Friday, May 15

Friday, May 15:
I’ll get back to my comparison of the jailers’ work program to the private market in this post. First I want to update some of you on my health. A couple of weeks ago I finally received commissary which included some drinking containers. As a result I’ve been drinking a lot more water. I was fairly dehydrated before, and as a result my weight went from 160 to 162. I’ve been extremely disheartened by the games and procedural rules the NH courts have been hiding behind. The jail has started calling me by my legal name despite the fact that I have never acknowledged it. Of course not knowing it is the reason they claim to be holding me.

I ask you, who is the authority on my name? I’ve come to see “legal names” as a modern day slave name. Disagree? Okay, come up with your own name and see what you can do with it out in the world. Surely in a “free” society one would be free to travel (by land, sea, or air), obtain medical care, rent property, invest money, connect to private communication networks, obtain an education, own property, procure a means of self defense, and especially exchange one’s labor for something of value. Yet try this without the government registered “legal name,” and you will quickly realize how enslaved we have become, to the ever expanding state. It saddens my heart to see the masses stand up in ignorance and proclaim their freedom when such a simple exercise clearly demonstrates otherwise.

Well, it seems I’ve gotten off on a slight tangent. 🙂 Back to my health. Being thoroughly disgusted by their behavior, last Friday afternoon I decided to drink water only. (flavored with tea mix or Kool-aid) I kept this up until Wednesday night when I started experiencing pain under my rib cage. So Thursday morning and since, I’ve been drinking 2 cups of mil a day with a bit of Carnation Instant Breakfast added for vitamins, when it comes in the morning. Thursday night I returned to the doctor, and I’m now below 159 lbs. The doctor was visibly concerned and distressed. It must be had knowing that he is assisting them in their acts against me. Perhaps after dedicating his life to saving people, and now sitting powerless watching my body decay over indignant righteousness, has taken its toll. He wanted to do blood tests to ensure proper organ function. I agreed to do it next week, he scheduled me for Monday.

I know many of you disagree with my hunger strike, and want me to eat. While I have explained some of the reasons for my hunger strike let me share some more. When I was at my grandfather’s house, he had a few wild cats in his shop. I decided to catch one of the kittens, so I blocked off the exits, donned a pair of leather gloves, and set to work. This cat had never been touched by a human hand.

When I finally caught him, the poor creature screamed for its life. He kicked and clawed, unsure of his fate, and bit right through my leather gloves and into the side of my finger (top and bottom). I treated Tiger well, and I would like to think he had a better life until he died years later, convulsing in my arms, from feline leukemia. Taking away the freedom of another creature is not something that should be taken lightly. It bears a great responsibility and pledges my duty, honor, and integrity to care for the creature.

When the Keene area bureaucrats restricted me at my liberties, they entered into a similar agreement. I will not sit idly by, a good little cooperative prisoner, while they violate their own laws, their integrity, and yes, their word of honor. If you want to see me eat, then be the difference. Be honorable. Hold integrity. Keep your word. Because changing you is what changes the world.

In the 1700s slave ships were equipped with lock jaw devices to force feed slaves who would rather die free, than submit to slavery. Today the lock jaw has been replaced with feeding tubes, bed rails, handcuffs, and straight jackets. The underlying system of slavery however, remains alive and well.

In peace,


P.S. This felt more important to write. I’ll finish the comparison this weekend.

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