Why I’m a Voluntaryist – Hope Chapel Vandalized by “Anarchists”

Hope ChapelThe Hope Chapel on Rt 12 was vandalized recently. (Here is the story from WMUR.) The cowardly vandal(s) violated the church’s property with painted anarchy symbols and a large amount of their own preachy, anti-religious text, causing several thousand dollars worth of damage. Liberty minded people can debate amongst themselves over the meaning of the term “anarchist”, but such discussion is nothing more than academic “masterdebating”. You can talk until you are blue in the face about how anarchy really means “no rulers”, but when dangerous thugs smash storefront windows, throw molotov cocktails, vandalize property and call themselves anarchists to-boot, you’ve got a SERIOUS public relations problem on your hands.

I believe in rules on private property. I believe in peaceful, consensual interactions between human beings. I am a voluntaryist. I understand that others in this movement are still enamored (as I once was) by the “macho flash” feeling they get from calling themselves an “anarchist”, or by walking around wearing an anarchy symbol t-shirt, but look at the destruction and the people that symbol is associated with! I know, I know, you’re trying to rescue the term by showing that you are peaceful and respectful of others’ property, in hopes of changing people’s preconceived notions about it. While I understand where you are coming from, I think it’s as futile and counterproductive as walking around wearing a swastika t-shirt because you know that historically the symbol stands for good luck and you want to change peoples’ perceptions of it!

If you love liberty, please stop trying to rescue the long-destroyed term of “anarchist”. Embrace change and choose a label for yourself without preconceived notions. Try, voluntaryist or consensualist – anything but “anarchist”. This sort of labeling is counterproductive and only serves to confuse people about who you are and what you believe. Using an unknown term like voluntaryist leaves minds open. People will ask you to explain it, rather than jump to conclusions.

Also, Hope Chapel’s Pastor Joseph Mabe took the time to post a comment here and I’d like to thank him and his church for being forgiving towards the anonymous coward that did the damage. It’s rare to see organized religions actually practicing what they preach. (Of course, they likely won’t be able to prevent the government gang from continuing the cycle of violence if they ever catch the culprit, as the state can press charges without the consent of the victims.) From what Mabe has said to fellow blogger Nick Ryder, Hope Chapel is very liberty oriented, and they understand that taxes are slavery. For liberty-minded newcomers looking to church themselves, you may want to pay them a visit at 667 Main Street in Keene (aka Rt. 12 on the way to Swanzey).

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