Former Cop to Test University Gun Rules

Two individuals are planning to carry firearms onto a Plymouth State University this Friday – December 9th, 2011 – which may be illegal. One of those individuals is Brad Jardis, a former NH police officer, and the other is Tommy, former military. Brad and I met a few years ago, he even blogged at CopBlock for a short time (come back Brad!), so I was excited to sit down with him and get the scoop on this story.

As you’ll see (or seen) in the video above, Brad states that universities have been telling students, guest and parents that it’s against the Universities rules for people to carry firearms on university property. Yet, New Hampshire law states that no political sub party can make such a regulations in regards to certain things, including guns (read more at

So this Friday Brad and Tommy will be walking around Plymouth State University handing out educational material with rifles strapped to their backs. Brad hopes they’ll educate people about their right to bear arms and no one will be arrested. Though he’s not only willing to go to jail over this, Brad has vowed to take the case as far as he can go if arrested Friday. cameras – myself included – will be on hand.

***REPORT*** Brad reports that classes are being cancelled due to domestic threats****

Plymouth Campus Police (603)535-2330 OR Public Relations at the University (603)535-2276

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