A Legal Draw

In August of last year, I received a parking ticket in Concord, NH. As part of my principles to never immediately pay a fine, I requested a hearing.
My court date was set for January 29, unfortunately I was unable to attend that trial due to new employment that I began that day. I attempted to have someone represent me as an “Attorney In Fact” which was denied by the court; though a continuance was granted.
Upon arriving at court this morning, the prosecutor told me that he would place my ticket on file without finding. The initial offer was 90 days on file, I negotiated that down to 60 days.
I had a very winnable case, as I was never notified of the witness to testify against me pursuant to Rule 2.10 (B), though Rule 1 of the court is that all rules may be waved at any time. It’s not a win, but the court spend time and resources that could have been put to better use going after real criminals with actual victims and I am satisfied with the outcome.

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