As you may be aware, Free Keene provides the Keene Police Scanner 24/7 audio stream as one of our methods of serving the community. You can listen live anytime, and many people were tuned in during Pumpkin Fest. So many in fact, it caused issues for our server and it went down for a couple of hours during the night. We got those remedied and were streaming again around 11pm (the stream jumped to around 100 listeners right as soon as I reconnected it, and ultimately peaked at over 340 listeners at once!) Though those couple hours of down-time are missing from the audio, all the rest of the scanner audio from Pumpkin Fest and the morning-after are now compiled into two handy MP3 files for you!
The anonymous activist who provided the files has also done the work of removing all the blank spaces from the scanner audio – making them much easier to listen to. Here are the files: