This Monday 11/17, Free State Project participants will be releasing their 2nd movie produced in New Hampshire called “101 Reasons Liberty Lives in New Hampshire“. The new movie is being edited by FSP early mover Beau Davis, who was also the editor of the 1st FSP-participant-produced movie, the feature-length documentary, “Derrick J’s Victimless Crime Spree“.
To celebrate the imminent release of 101 Reasons, we’re releasing the Director’s Cut of DJVCS for the first time ever on YouTube! Of course the YouTube version doesn’t have the TWO commentary tracks or hours of bonus activist footage that you can only find on the DVD – so grab your copy or buy it as a gift for the holidays for under $10 at Amazon!
Here’s the Director’s Cut of the movie on YouTube:
And as an added bonus, here’s the QnA session with the producers that happened after the real-life premiere at Keene Cinemas in 2012: