Showtime’s “Gigolos” Star Vin Armani Interviews Me on Reasons Libertarians are Migrating to NH

I had the pleasure of being a guest for most of an hour on the Vin Armani Show on Activist Post.  Vin is one of the stars of Showtime’s “Gigolos” reality TV series and he’s also a voluntarist/agorist who I met while at Anarchapulco.  He had not heard of the libertarian migration to New Hampshire and was fascinated by my speech at Anarchapulco on why liberty-loving people should move to New Hampshire as soon as possible.  So, he asked me onto his video show to talk about it further.

Here’s the interview which touches a little on my radio show, Free Talk Live, but is mostly about many of the reasons why libertarians, voluntarists, bitcoiners, and agorists should move to New Hampshire. My interview starts about 1h10m into the program:

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