Activist Jailed for Hood in Court



By JJ and Ian

Brandon of Keene was arrested this morning for wearing a hood in a court room.  You read that correctly, “wearing a hood” was the criminal act.  Apparently it is alright to wear a costume consisting of a robe or a costume consisting of a uniform and various bits of metal but one cannot wear a simple hood that is attached to your standard hooded-sweatshirt.  This is beyond ridiculous it is outright tyranny carried out under the auspices of of what?  Etiquette?  Safety?

Hardly, this is what you get when you allow a Judge like Burke to reign from on high.  Brandon did not obey and the court saw violence as the remedy.  As I understand it he heroically went limp during the arrest – making it extra difficult on the police due to his large size.

Strangely, the robed man, Edward Burke has decided to allow hats on prior occasions, so this is just another example of the arbitrariness of the “justice” system.

Activists were in the court this morning attending the arraignments of Ryan, Evan, and Yadra. Ryan and Evan agreed to “personal recognizance” bail on the condition that they complete processing at KPD, while Yadra refused to identify himself and will remain in Westmoreland jail as John Doe #1.

It is believed Brandon’s arraignment will be tomorrow at 9am. Hope to see you there!

To call the jail and inquire about Kurt, Yadra, or Brandon – 603-399-7794
To call the Keene Police: 603-357-9815
To call Keene district court: 603-352-2559

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