A “fellow libertarian” used force against me

A few days ago, some friends and I were clearing brush on my property in Grafton, preparing to building a house, and we were burning some small stuff to make a fire to cook hot dogs on. Suddenly, thugs appeared and threatened us with violence if we didn’t put our fire out. We politely refused to comply with their threats, and more thugs came, and eventually the fire chief of Grafton, John Babiarz, who is a self-proclaimed libertarian (he’s apparently the libertarian party’s current gubernatorial candidate for NH), brought a fire truck and put out my camp fire. This may sound ridiculous, but it looks even more ridiculous. Check out the video.


I am displeased with the aggression against me. I will not be paying any citations or bills that are sent to me (the cop said he’s cite me and the fire department said they’s send me a bill for their “services”). But what bugs me the most is Babiarz’s cowardice to tell the cop that this was a perfectly safe situation and the violence wasn’t necessary, especially since Babiarz claims to be pro-liberty (hell, I heard him just last week at a potluck tell a “newbie” to liberty that government wasn’t necessary!).

Also, FYI, the previous owner of this property told me that Babiarz, himself, gave him a permit for this fire pit 2 years ago (and the shed existed even then), even though Babiarz, in the video, explains how this fire pit could not get a permit because it’s too close to a structure. And multiple other sources I trust have told me that Babiarz has hung out with them at this fire pit – with a fire burning – within the past couple years.

I’d like to stress that I was just living my life, peacefully, harmlessly. I was not trying to educate anyone about liberty, or make a point, or create a scene, or act civilly disobedient. The thugs came to me with their aggression, as they appear to do more and more often.

This is a thread about this on the forum.

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