Charges Dropped Against FreeKeene’s Toby and Ian!

Radio TowerThis just in from KPD’s Sgt. Eli Rivera: He is dropping the unlawful assembly charges against Toby and I! Here’s some speculation as to why. Perhaps they realized they had no case. The regulations clearly state that permits are only for those that intend to exclusively use certain “public facilities” like electricity for a specified period of time in a specific location. Therefore, even under their own rules (and ignoring the pesky Constitution, of course) it’s quite clear that simply assembling in a public place does not require a permit.

Perhaps another reason they decided against it was because they felt as though too many activists might come out and refuse to stand for “justice” Burke in protest of his recent crackdown on courtroom sitters.

Perhaps what he says in his letter is true and that he has discovered who the “actual organizer” of Freedom Fest was and is planning on going after him. I don’t know for sure, but I do have coffee scheduled with Mr. Rivera, so perhaps I can find out more at that time and dissuade him from going after anyone.

Hopefully these government guys will start to realize that the more they crack down, the larger the response from the activists. Eventually, they should come to the conclusion that leaving us alone is the best way to protect their precious cloak of legitimacy. If they ignore liberty activists, there won’t be as much news generated, meaning other activists won’t be as enthusiastic about moving sooner rather than later, which will help them extend their rule over the ignorant masses as long as possible. Basically, if they don’t want their little party to end sooner, they should stop inviting us to it.

Anyway, thanks to Eli Rivera for making the right choice. Hopefully, he and his associates will continue to do so.

Here’s the discussion thread about this on the Free Keene Forum.

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