Yesterday on Peace News Now I was joined by Robin Hood of Keene for a recap and update on the City of Keene lawsuit. Guests Ian Freeman, Garret Ean, James Cleaveland, Kate Ager, and Graham Colson provided excellent insight into the motives behind their actions.
I had a weird experience while filming Robin Hood in Keene today. I was in the middle of recording when an angry man approached me, offered his opinions into my camera, and then threatened to destroy it. He stole the camera from my hands, and suddenly a man appears. Watch what happens next:
Click “Read More” to see the license plate of the car from which this angry man came:
Enjoy the latest episode of Peace News Now! This one features video of Robin Hood’s Trial and Darryl W. Perry’s Traffic court victory. Peace News Now will continue to keep you up to date on the latest information from the peaceful resistance. Until next time, Peace!