by Garret Ean | Mar 16, 2012 |

Abdulelah Haider Shaye
Abdulelah Haider Shaye is a name most in the western world aren’t familiar with, and Barack Obama would like to keep it that way. Shaye is a Yemeni independent journalist who was covering the impact of military activities in Yemen. He was daring enough to interview some of the most wanted men in the world. Anwar Al-Awlaki met for an interview with Shaye which later broadcast on Al-Jazeera, prior to it becoming known that Awlaki was the first US citizen added to a CIA kill list. In the same month that the interview was aired, Shaye took the initiative to investigate a missile attack claimed by the Yemeni government to have been orchestrated by their military. It was December of 2009 when the village of Majala was targeted as the alleged site of an Al-Qaeda training camp. After the bombing, Shaye traveled to the area and took the pictures which were broadcast by news media around the globe. His report revealed remnants of tomahawk cruise missiles and cluster bombs. Neither of these weapons being in the Yemeni national arsenal, the Made in the USA stamp emblazoned on the debris revealed the true source of the attack. The pentagon refused to comment on the photos and Yemeni officials denied all involvement by the US government. Wikileaks later published a US diplomatic cable which documented Yemeni officials admitting to lying to their parliament about US military coordination. Fourteen women and twenty-one children were killed in the strike (the number of males killed is not known, and assuredly all are automatically assumed to be Al-Qaeda terrorists). The Majala bombing was the first of what would be an ongoing deadly string of aerial assaults by the US military in association with Yemeni state militants. (more…)
by Garret Ean | Mar 5, 2012 |
Eric Holder’s memory wasn’t failing him today as he spoke at Northwestern University in Chicago. They were likely running through his mind, but there were three names Holder dared not to speak. They were Samir Khan, Abdulrahman Al-Awlaki, and Anwar Al-Awlaki. They are the three US citizens who have been executed by drone missile attacks in Yemen, without so much as the order of a judge to show as a warrant for their death.
The ‘Attorney General’ (military ranking being fully apropos) gave a carefully crafted response to the legal questions the administration has been facing since the September 30 killing of Anwar Al-Awlaki. Holder essentially declared the president to be within his authority (for who is there to challenge it?) to order the killing of anyone deemed an external threat to the defense of the United States. A search of the internet reveals no video of the address. The Washington Post provides some fairly in-depth coverage. Here’s a disturbing snippet from the lawyer-in-chief.
Some have argued that the president is required to get permission from a federal court before taking action against a United States citizen who is a senior operational leader of al-Qaeda or associated forces. This is simply not accurate.
by Garret Ean | Feb 28, 2012 |
The cheshire county superior courthouse was the scene of two arrests early yesterday. A third arrest took place down the street from the courthouse after deputies followed Derrick J to his car to arrest him for trespassing, for having gotten too close to the building. This occurred some time after a comical and inspiring foot pursuit Derrick led deputies on as he inched farther away from their approach.
Miami journalist Carlos Miller was in the area following the NH Liberty Forum. He visited Keene on Monday to survey the status of right to record issues plaguing courts in the southwest portion of the state. For a while, a camera ban had been enforced in Keene courthouses but surprisingly today, bailiffs allowed Ademo Freeman through security with a video camera. (more…)
by Garret Ean | Feb 15, 2012 |

2/4 Antiwar Rally in Minneapolis, MN
On Saturday, February 4, a national day of war resistance was celebrated in the streets of cities around the nation. Following a protest at the Obama re-election campaign office opening, I headed to Veterans Park in Manchester, where there was a rally against war, especially the increasingly hyped prospect of war with Iran. In recent weeks, it seems established powers have been banging the war drums ever more loudly.
It appears to be a geographic continuance of ongoing military conquests by the US government, that in taking Iraq and Afghanistan, the next ambition would be the powerhouse that divides them. Though there’s a history of mistrust between the US and Iran, one obstacle that neither militant faction of the two countries may be able to overcome is the ability of the people of Iran and the United States to directly communicate. (more…)
by Garret Ean | Feb 13, 2012 |
Occupy NH activist Matthew Richards has accepted a diversion program deal to avoid a trespassing charge stemming from his arrest in January. Matthew was arrested during the January 8 republican presidential debate at the Capitol Center for the Arts. has the details of the program included in its coverage. At a hearing in a few months, it will be determined if the state will dismiss the misdemeanor charge. With this charge seemingly diverted, Matthew also faces a trespassing charge from the five arrests made during the Occupy NH eviction.