Appleseed Rifle Shoot Instills Responsibility & Self-Reliance

I finally made it to my first Appleseed shoot! A project of the the 501c3 non-profit Revolutionary War Veterans Association.

Over two days outside, in December, in the ‘shire, I became much more proficient with a rifle. I also became more knowledgeable about some of the inspirational individuals faced with tough decisions, who were responsible for some of the history-changing incidents in the 1770s.


Will NH Courts Continue to Censor?

Should NH courts be open and accessible or will they remain censored?

Censorship, even if done for the best of intentions, subsumes the initiation of force – something experienced by individuals seeking transparency at Keene district court and Cheshire Co. superior court. On Friday, Dec. 16, 2011 at the NH supreme court the “rules committee” took comment to determine whether they will “allow” you and me to film their actions.


Stand For the Truth: Perspectives on Waco

What we had here was an eye-opener. It was a judgement to show people just what these bastards could do. In broad daylight, televised all over the world. And then they come around later and lie about what they did. And say ‘They killed themselves. They burnt themselves up.’ No I knew these people they would not do that. It’s against their religious belief. They would never do that.

-Charles Pace, Branch Davadian

The “judgement” Pace referenced happened in 1993 outside Waco, Texas.


Monadnock HS Public Officials Attempt Censorship

On Tuesday, December 13th, 2011, a number of individuals visited Monadnock High School in Swanzey, NH (just south of Keene) to do some outreach. While the students were receptive, it was a different story entirely for the just-following-the-rules public officials.

Freedom’s Phoenix
High School Outreach by Kager on
School Sucks Project
John Taylor Gatto: Schooling is not Education – Part 1
Sheldon Richman on the Separation of School and State