Rebel Love Show Ep 30: The Liberty Mecca


Beau Davis, the creative force behind 101 Reasons Liberty Lives in New Hampshire, stops by the Rebel Love studios. Beau’s latest documentary is about the Free State Project here in the Shire and the reasons why you should move here as well. The last time Beau was on the show was during the filming of 101 in which the Rebel Love Show, Rob Mathias, and fellow Free Keene blogger Shire Dude were all featured in it. This is also the first episode recorded that we are officially on LRN.FM. Other topics discussed on this week’ show include the Shire being the libertarian mecca, dreaming big in the Shire, what will happen when the move is triggered, Rob and Shire Dude talk about how Derrick J’s Victimless Crime Spree inspired their move to the Shire, right to travel activism, who doesnt love Dave Ridley?, Beau discusses how his cannabis use has helped him and woke him up, Chalk the Police in Manchester, trespass of 12? Shire Dude evolution since living here, Beau pitches the Rebel Love TV Show and the Porcupine AV club, should activists wake others up?, are liberty media types historians, and Beau talks about future projects.

Check out to watch the best documentary yet on life here in the Shire. Also make sure you check out and help us trigger the move! You can find the Rebel Love Show on Itunes, Stitcher, Youtube, and Facebook.

FKTV – Episode 42 – May 7th, 2012

1. Keene State College has it’s largest graduating class.
2. Derrick J Freeman serves time for his victimless crime spree
3. Derrick’s farewell video
4. Beau Davis is heading to jail after being victimized by the War on Drugs
5. On the Edge with Max Keiser covers the student loan debt situation with former Treasury Official Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

Keene PD Employee Fintan Moore Assaults Derrick J Freeman

[The content below was originally posted to]

Derrick J Freeman was assaulted by Fintan Moore.

The video below shows background, the incident and the follow-up, of the exchange. It was completed thanks to the collaboration of many of Derrick’s friends and the editing talents of Beau Davis.

Support Derrick by subscribing to his YouTube channel and donating via WePay. Stay tuned to & for updates.


Judge Edward Burke Victim Reel

Several months ago Ademo Freeman was arrested outside Keene District Court in Keene, New Hampshire. Initially there was a lot of mystery surrounding the circumstances and what he did to get arrested. Early reports indicated that he had simply been asking Judge Burke some questions and the idea that asking questions could get you thrown in jail was too absurd to accept.

Ademo was released roughly two weeks later and his video of the incident was available shortly thereafter. After watching the video and witnessing myself Judge Burke’s abuse of power I felt inspired to cut up a compilation video of the people who have been victimized by Burke. Ademo was literally caged for asking questions. No foul language or threats were heard from Ademo, only three questions.

This is not a complete compilation by any means.

This video contains the arrests of the following individuals:
Ian Freeman
Dave Ridley
Pete Eyre
Beau Davis
Ademo Freeman
Derrick J Freeman

*Audio has been fixed*