Representative Brodie Deshaies: Ignorant or a Liar?

Brodie Deshaies at the hearing looking guilty

Brodie Deshaies at the hearing looking guilty while Carla Gericke calls him out for using scare tactics

Representative Brodie Deshaies from Wolfeboro, New Hampshire testified in front of the State-Federal Relations and Veteran Affairs Committee on January 20, 2022 concerning CACR 32. The legislation seeks to let the people of New Hampshire vote to amend the Constitution and become an independent nation, breaking ties with DC. He was the legislator asked by the committee chairman to do the bulk of the research before the hearing.

Looking closely at all the claims Deshaies made about the legality of this bill and the implications concerning lawmakers voting to recommend that the House pass it, it is hard to decide if he is ignorant and easily swayed by empire-loving “constitutional scholars” from DC or if he gave a speech full of lies to sway the vote. He used fear-mongering language directed at the committee, implying that they may be charged by Washington DC if they vote ‘Ought To Pass’ and supported the bill through the legal process. This article is a close-up look at his claims and will look at all the material he references to see if he is really making a constitutional argument against CACR 32.

Deshaies starts off with an acknowledgment of how the public perceives him. There are some people who are pretty upset with me in the room,” he says. This is already very indicative of his character. He sent Elliot “Alu” Axelman (the editor-in-chief of and the author of multiple books on secession) an email full of misinterpretations of the US and New Hampshire Constitutions a few weeks ago. When Alxelman politely asked if he wished to engage in a public debate on the topic, Deshaies cowered and declined. Without the opportunity to debate Deshaies, and with no legislator agreeing to debate him, Alu published his rebuttal to Deshaies’ anti-independence letter on his website. The article destroys the few arguments that the anti-freedom legislator sought to make in his letter. Instead, Deshaies went on to publish the exact same letter in an op-ed article on So, now we know he knows how people feel about his twisting of the facts, but he just goes on to ignore the people and doubles down on his way of thinking. We see from this very first sentence that he isn’t the sort of person who feels he should be in office doing what the people of New Hampshire want. He feels he’s in office to rule over the citizens of New Hampshire with an iron fist.

He goes on to say that after speaking to many “constitutional scholars” such as David Williams, author of “The Mythic Meanings of the Second Amendment”, that he believes this committee was engaged in a “constitutional process” by voting Ought to Pass or Inexpedient to Legislate. Which means every vote cast is “aiding in the constitutional process,” and “approving it at each time along the way”.

Deshaies claims, “Every vote cast has a constitutional ramification judging by amendment fourteen of the US Constitution, section three. Some scholars would argue that this is rebelling, even if it’s peaceful. This very well could be an argument where voting for this, aiding and abetting in that process could very well be unconstitutional.”

So, there it is, folks. Deshaies spoke to a man who wrote a book arguing that the second amendment doesn’t really give all Americans the right to bear arms for advice on what the Constitution says. Then, he came up with a clever way to subtly scare the other members of the committee out of voting Ought to Pass on this bill. He used a mildly veiled threat of ‘insurrection’ and ‘rebellion’ to convince everyone on the committee to vote 21-0 against recommending the bill to be passed. Even the two committee members who told Axelman that they would support the legislation ultimately caved to the fear and voted to kill it. (more…)

Psilocybin Mushroom Decriminalization Bill to Have Second Hearing

Liberty Cap Mushrooms

HB 1349 is a bill that would decriminalize psilocybin mushrooms sponsored by Amherst Representative Tony Labranche. The bill had its first hearing in the Criminal Justice committee on January 11th, but while all the other bills heard that day got voted on, HB 1349 had a new hearing date scheduled. That means you have another chance to go and show your support for the bill on Thursday, January 20, 2022 in the Legislative Office Building in Concord at 9am. Alternatively, if you can’t make it you can email the committee and tell them to vote Ought To Pass.

The bill is very interesting because it is modeled word for word after the bill that decriminalized marijuana in New Hampshire. What argument does a member of this committee have against this bill? Psilocybin mushrooms are even safer for people and society than marijuana, according to Dr. David Nutt, former chairman of the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs in the UK.

I spoke at the hearing on January 11th and so did 4 others. The only person who spoke against this bill was a police lieutenant. How typical. The only person who didn’t want to see Granite Staters gain more freedom was a person who personally profits from the war on drugs.

The New Hampshire Supreme Court already decided that psilocybin use was constitutionally protected if you’re using it for religious practice or to worship god. My spiritual beliefs include worshiping the god in myself by allowing myself the ability to ascend beyond what and who I am now. Psilocybin is a great tool to do that and more people experiencing this medicine would help heal our community which is in part damaged by the war on drugs.

The bill:

If would like to contact the committee hearing this bill use this email:

24/7 Protest in Lebanon Against Vaccine Mandates for Nurses

If you drive to the wrong location in New Hampshire, you may still end up at a protest. Nikki, (a nurse from Massachusetts,) and I intended to drive to the vaccine protest going on in Concord, but we drove to the wrong Dartmouth-Hitchcock location, the one in Lebanon. There is a larger gathering going on certain days at the Concord location, so at first we thought, “Where is everybody?” There was a group of just three guys on the side of the road by the entrance to the hospital with signs saying things like “No forced shots”. We went up to them with our camera and found out that the organizer of this protest and his wife had only left for a bit and would be back, and that the organizer had been sleeping in his military-style truck on the side of the road every night just to keep the protest going. We had accidentally found a second protest, and it was a 24/7 protest!

The organizer and his wife, a nurse named Nicole, returned and I interviewed her about her opinions on Dartmouth-Hitchcock mandating COVID vaccines for all of their staff. Their protest is getting a lot of attention from people driving past, and even getting conversations started. A group of teenagers whose parents flipped the protesters the bird as they drove by later returned without their parents to ask questions. They have on a huge sign that is visible from the road. Keep up the great work, protesters! Here’s the video:

Get “Spank”, The Newsletter of the Church of the Invisible Hand

Nobody at WKNH

Nobody Interviewed on Wake Up Call at WKNH-FM.

The former Pope Indigent of The Church of the Invisible Hand, Nobody, is still in jail. He has been meeting other prisoners, listening to their stories and proselytizing while locked up. He started a newsletter called “Spank”, and has been gathering addresses of people both in and out of jail. I, Bonnie, Peace Nun of the Shire Free Church and one of the Priestesses of the Church of the Invisible Hand, have taken on the role of typing up some things he has written in jail and getting them out to subscribers of Spank. Here is the introduction that will be in every newsletter.

Welcome to “Spank”, the newsletter of the Church of the Invisible Hand’s Prison Outreach Ministry.

Here, we will discuss the spirituality and beliefs of the Church, the sources that inspire it, the ideas that inform it, (both as a whole and in individual practice,) and the practices, both universal and individual, by which we express our beliefs and exercise our faith in them.

As we enter into the long predicted Tribulations and the time of Persecutions of our faith, we beg of our newer Brothers and Sisters to views us with an open mind. Our ideas may seem foreign to you. Our ways may seem strange. But if you study them, we believe you will find, as we have, a faith that works for us, both in theory and in practice. We ask nothing of you but your time and thoughts. If our ways are not for you, we will gladly refund your misery.

The Church is, like Discordianism, an open-source religion. If you agree with us for the most part, but find some of our beliefs unacceptable to you, we invite you to discard those parts of our faith that do not work for you and replace them with others that do. There are a few parts of our faith which cannot be changed without rendering your brand of religion alien to, and irreconcilable with ours. If you believe that you have the right to force your ways on unconsenting others, then your ways are not ours. Please reconsider, and if you cannot, go from us in peace. We advise you not to try to impose your ways on us, or on those we love. If you can do even this, you can live in peace with us. If you believe that races are superior to, or inferior to other races, then we have no time for you. There is one race; the human race. All else is nonsense. We will council you if you wish to hear us, but we will never recognize you as being of our faith until you recant this nonsense. Claim no connection to the Church, we excommunicate you.

The invisible hand of Nature, and its antithesis, the Visible Boot of Government, are not entities or deities in the classical sense. They are more similar to the yin and yang of Taoism. Masculine and feminine, light and dark, right and wrong, good and evil. If you feel your understanding of the Tao is so good that you may force it on others, you have no understanding of the Tao. The way which can be spoken is not the true way. The course which can be forced is not the true course.

If you know anyone who you think would enjoy our newsletter, please send us their name and address at the return address included. Soon, we hope to be able to include business reply postcards, but these things take time, and we are but an egg. Or, perhaps, a clutch. Conversely, if you wish to cancel your subscription, just let us know, or pass future copies on to others. If you want our words to be heard by others, send us money and help us amplify, market and promote our message. Five bucks a month will pay for printing and mailing for many.

We look forward to meeting you and knowing you, as we trudge the road to happy destiny. Until then, we leave you with the traditional Blessing of our People: May the Visible Boot of the Government kick not in thy Door, nor thy Teeth, nor Stomp Upon thy Face. Ramen.

If you’re interested in getting on the mailing list, email a mailing address or email to Or send mail to Nobody at:

Nobody (Formerly Rich Paul)
314 Daniel Webster Hwy
Boscawen, NH 03303

Public Letters to Ian Freeman

These are some letters from friends of Ian writing to him in jail. One reply from Ian is included. Permission was granted from all parties to publish to Free Keene.

From Jordan to Ian:
Dear Ian,
I know we have never spoken to each other at great lengths. It’s odd that I now correspond with you with eyes most likely reading my message to you. Isn’t it odd? How did we get to this point as a society? When I sit and think about this nation and what it values, the dishonesty which has been normalized sickens me. Perhaps it is because of Thelema. Let me explain. To my understanding, this nation was formed by members of what is called the Hellfire Club as some sort of practical joke. You see, my grandfather in his youth was a kind person. When I knew him, years of Republican brainwashing turned him into a racist, hateful individual. I’ve come by logic to realize that the “right” is actually ran by those who seek to torture its constituents and likewise with the Democratic party. What are we to do? The path to true freedom, as childish as it sounds, must be through love and non-violence. This is why I am writing to you. I’ll withstand the pursuing eye of men who have seen the Head of John the Baptist, and have sworn loyalty to finding their light through evil acts. That is not for us. As I write you this letter, I am one with you. These experiences of beastly flesh are not who we truly are. The energetic life force which may be difficult to feel for you is alive and connects you to me. One day, I will sit across the table from you, and as our eyes meet we will both know that we are free and sovereign individuals. No laws, edicts, codes, or executive orders can limit the infinity of our being. Through my eyes, no matter what you have done or will do in the future can prevent love and forgiveness. In the history of existence, the tyranny that now governs our existences in the present will be but a blink. Feel the pain that exists and let that guide you. Know that hatred is the easy choice. It is what is expected of you in this moment, but taking the path of forgiveness towards those that now imprison you will bring your liberty and life back into your hands. Please know that through my eyes, you are held by unethical men who who are slaves to systems they themselves despise. It is not possible maintain employment in either judicial or correctional positions and escape the torment of the soul. Set, and his works, now guide the path of our governance. We have despised his brother Osiris as a despot, but perhaps fairness and ethical treatment were more common in the times of kings. These times too are passing. The balance of creation and destruction are only a few steps away. As I end this letter, please know that I view you as a free and sovereign individual. In my eyes you are a free man and are under a system that no longer has the will of God. You are held close to my heart, and when we transition to a more peaceful existence, you are always welcome in my home.
Sincerely, Jordan

From Ian to Jordan Dated April 10, 2021:
Dear Jordan,
Sorry for the delayed reply. Only this weekend did I finally get commissary access and received my first order of stamps and paper. Next week I’ll actually have a pen!!
Of the several letters I have received so far, yours is my favorite. You touched on some ideas that I also hold dear, like practicing forgiveness and being one with all-that-is. As a pantheist, I suspect you and I share many beliefs.
Many would find it difficult to forgive the people who smashed windows and doors in of their home and intend to hold its occupants in cages for many years. However, as you know, forgiveness is for you, not the people being forgiven. Forgiveness allows one to shed anger and negativity, to release those self-imposed burdens. It helps too, to realize that I could just as easily have been like them, as the only difference between them and me are mere choices.
Your letter says they find light through evil acts, but they surely believe they are doing good- with the exception of the true psychopaths- otherwise they would not do these things.
Unfortunately , these people have chosen the state as their god, and so they have allowed their sense of morality to be controlled by other men, including sociopaths and psychopaths. Like so many, they live based in fear, and look to the state for their protection and strength.
Which leads me back to the questions in your first paragraph: “Isn’t it odd? How did we get to this point as a society?”
While the system forced upon us is no doubt inhumane, anti-peace, destructive, etc., societies before this were worse in many ways. While we know the state pays lip service to the idea of “rights”, it at least has to pay lip service. While it is wrong for them to keep me in a cage and expect me to be able to mount a defense from in here, I am at least clothed and well-fed. Though restricted, I can still speak out against my captors. It’s not ideal, but it beats being pronounced guilty on-sight and subsequently drawn-and-quartered. Progress has always been a terribly slow, awful process. Barring a Renaissance in thinking to our way of thought, society will trudge toward more freedoms and humanity to our fellow man, slowly.
I suppose the answer to how we got to this point in society is “it depends on your perspective”. Violence worldwide is at record lows, so they say. However, incarceration in the United States leads the world’s developed nations.
As you rightly put it in your letter, “hatred is the easy choice”. Indeed, to a person ruled by fear, hatred is the natural choice. The state thrives on propagating fear, and therefore hatred is the result. Fear/hate of the “other,” whether it be people from other lands, other skin colors, or differing beliefs about god. As long as people fear others, they will never see themselves as one with them. Until enough people shift from fear to love, the state will continue.
You ask, “What are we to do?”. I think the deliberate migration of which we are both a part is still the best plan, but I’m always open to new ideas. We should continue speaking out and taking principled actions in the name of peace, love, freedom and forgiveness.
Thank you for being an advocate of forgiveness. It is such an important practice and many within the liberty movement do not understand it. They are still stuck in anger/ hatred/ fear towards the state society. They want to punish the state actors and don’t realize that such action would only continue the cycle of violence, and ultimately not make the state’s victims whole.
Basically, we’ve got a lot of work to do, even within our own liberty movement, to convince people that forgiveness and peace is the way.
I appreciate your perspective and am grateful you took the time to write. I think your letter and this reply might make a good blog-from-jail, as more people should be exposed to these ideas. I am sending your letter and this reply first to Bonnie and I’ll have her scan them in before sending to you. I hope you’ll agree to having them shared online.

Joa to Ian:
To my Peace-Loving-Friend,
There hasn’t been a day since the terrorist attack on you and the rest of the Crypto 6, [that I don’t think,] where-ever I am, about where you and Nobody are being held. I hope at the very least you are treated well. These cages wont stop an idea whose time has come. You still are inspiring so many even while kidnapped by the bankster-gangsters. These goons don’t think you should have bail, yet their own gooberment employees have their way with kids in the youth detention nearby. You are peaceful, they are the aggressors. They have bails set and one of them is asking for bail reduction. He held a gun to a child’s head while raping the kid. Yet you sit in jail as a peace-loving, peace-solution-solving, wealth-growing, stand-up individual in these trying times. Those who seek to take away our time, may very well see their own fate either in this life-time or the next. The love grows in the community. Everyone at Campmoreland misses you. As you read this, I am in between gathering wood for a fire and tending to the chickens. Can’t wait to see you and Nobody again, hopefully very soon. Love you brother! Stay safe!