Parking Enforcers Steal and Destroy Robin Hood Cards

Robin Hood Cards Destroyed

Unfortunately, the parking enforcers of Keene have resorted to theft and destruction of property as a new attempt to thwart Robin Hood of Keene, a development that I view as further evidence of Robin Hooding’s effectiveness. I was given the following stack of cards in late February from an enforcer who informed me that they were removing them from vehicles and ripping them up. I then shot the video below in which a parking enforcer of the city of Keene removed some of our cards from a vehicle and threw them in the trash. I decided to wait to release this footage to see if the enforcers reformed their ways, but since the card removal appears to be continuing if a Robin Hooder is not with the enforcer, I decided to release the footage. Robin Hooders been told that this practice was occurring and have witnessed it prior, but did not have any footage of it until now.

Liberty Forum 2013 Makes Headlines Around New Hampshire.


This year’s Liberty Forum 2013 event hosted by the Free State Project made headlines around New Hampshire as the Union Leader and Nashua’s Telegraph devoted their front pages of their Sunday Edition newspapers to covering the event. Additionally, New Hampshire Public Radio (NHPR) covered Stateless Sweets at Liberty Forum as their lead story. Links to the stories are listed below:


Introduction to Robin Hooding

What is Robin Hooding? It is a form of activism where activists try to prevent people from having their money taken from them by paying an expired meter before a parking enforcement officer can write a ticket on the expired meter. Like Robin Hood, these activists are standing up against an oppressive government tax.

If your local area has meters that you can pay, robin hooding is a very easy to start up form of activism that is effective, affordable, and popular.

More Public Support for Robin Hooding

It’s always a great day when I get to go out and robin hood. It’s even better when I get to help people not have their money taken and get thanked for it.

Here are some recent positive interactions I’ve had with the good people of Keene while trying to save them from the parking tariff.