by John Smith | Oct 19, 2009 |
[Transcribed from Kurt’s “Mail From Jail” letter, which can be found here. Be sure to visit Mail-to-Jail to write letters to Kurt in jail.]
Monday, October 19, 2009, Day 17
Not being on death row is exciting! Okay, I can hardly contain my excitement, even through day 17 of head and neck wrenching pain. The word from some of the guys (and the guards asked me not to share their names 🙂 ) I have been reported to about Yadra, Yahoo (or “Hey You”) and “Maddox.” I know Yadra, but I’m not yet sure who the others the government educated guards are calling “Free Staters.” The word is that they are not “giving out their real names”… Um, why on earth do that and who are you to demand it or lock a human in a cage until they say uncle? Yes folks, they are being tenacious in their quest to expose yet more awful deficiencies (do they do ANYTHING good? (or well)) of the system of top down thuggery.
One thing I want you all to know is that even the warden came and saw me early on. It was the following Monday when according to Van Wickler, the Sentinel was on the way. Well, I couldn’t then (and still can hardly walk more than 6 feet without excruciating back/neck/head pain) walk and because the left side of my face was still all bruised and I would be requiring the ONE filthy wheel-chair they had, they called it off… I would have preferred any of the following superior publications/media sources, staff, Keene/NH Free Press, Obscured Truth Network, or Free Talk Live folks, but Ian has kindly informed me that the jail folks say that the bias publication is “not biased”… huh? Yeah, the “main stream” paper. Sorry if I may sound “biased” in my philosophy (by the way, Yadra is telling them he’s a philosopher, as his occupation, and the idiots laugh… oh how I’m enjoying this) but they sure are late bloomers now, aren’t they?
One more quick update; there are four or five protesters outside as I write this and I’m on cloud nine… Oh, and none of the “inmates” told anyone outside I was still in a wheelchair. Wink wink! Think and be peace.
by John Smith | Oct 18, 2009 |
[Transcribed from Kurt’s “Mail From Jail” letter, which can be found here. Be sure to visit Mail-to-Jail to write letters to Kurt in jail.]
Day 16. Sunday, October 18, 2009
Last night at around 10:00 PM or so, I finally received stamps and other mailing supplies that I requested at the first given opportunity on Monday.
It is so hard for me to comprehend the vast amount of support I’ve had. Mail has come in not only from all over the geographical XXX often named as “The United States of America” but also from over seas as well.
As I ought to have expected I just heard word that the gang calling themselves “government” again is not applying their own rules and truths to themselves, but aggressing further still, violently and deceitfully against any and all who challenge them.
Now I have a deeper appreciation of what the Browns were up against when the Feds and their local groupies (small brained cops) relentlessly and vigilantly pursued their quest to create the enemy they needed to have to justify their existence to a scared people. It is with lament I look back now and question what else could I and others have done to more help the Brown family…and we all know how they made that turn out. (more…)
by John Smith | Oct 16, 2009 |
Do you ever feel like the government takes too much of your time and money, and takes the enjoyment out of your life?
The Free Keene Fest is a public outreach festival held each Spring and Fall with the purpose of having fun while introducing people to the ideas of liberty. Join us for live music and food while also learning about many different avenues to achieve more liberty in our lifetimes.
The event will include exhibitors such as:
The following bands will be performing live:
The Free Keene Fest is Sunday, October 18 from 11:00a until 3:00p at Railroad Square (82 Main Street) in Keene, and will be followed by a picnic in Robin Hood park until dark.
The event is free and a lot of fun. I hope to see you there!
by John Smith | Aug 15, 2009 |
This was written by Andrew Carroll in response to recent discussion about in-the-system activism versus out-of-the-system activism, specifically in this thread.
People come to the “ideas of liberty” through different routes. These people think differently, grew up in different cultures, and have different values. Different things attract their attention, different things make them think, and different things change their minds.
Therefore, if we really want to spread our message to as many people as possible, it is important we market ourselves in as many ways as possible. Aside from certain actions which are bound to be utterly counter-productive (such as direct violence against the State, which leads to sympathy for the State, and is not worth even the small minority of people that may find it agreeable), all activism – political or otherwise – markets our ideas to different audiences.
Running for office, refusing to shut off your camera, gardening, holding marijuana, protesting in IRS offices, placing money in empty parking meters: all of these things market libertarian ideas to different people who believe different things. Each of these activities catch the attention of different individuals and expose them to the philosophy of freedom. (more…)
by John Smith | Jul 18, 2009 |
Very little information is known to anyone but the police so far, but a friend named Andrew was arrested this morning – probably a little before 8:40a – and is still being held at the police department. Fellow friends and liberty activists are at the police station trying to find out why their friend is being held captive. The only information the police are giving is that Andrew was arrested for not answering questions that police were asking. It is also known that Andrew said things like, “Stop arresting me, assholes,” but it in unclear whether the law enforcement officers were overreacting to “harsh” language or whether that language was itself a reaction to the police’s actions.
This information available when this was posted was mostly incorrect. This story has been updated here.