The Drive covers Robin Hood of Keene

The Drive ran a nice piece about

Few of life’s everyday curveballs deliver as much frustration as a parking ticket slapped to a windshield. Local authorities versus street parkers: Isn’t it obvious who always loses?

But in New Hampshire, this joust is actually favoring drivers who forget to feed their meters. Robin Hood of Keene, an activist group based in Keene, N.H., has been combating meter maids since 2009. The methods are simple enough: Trot a few paces ahead of parking enforcement, add time to expiring meters and leave a business card alerting the vehicle’s owner that the group’s efforts have spared them a citation.

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The Drive


Rich Paul’s Analysis of the Cantwell Incident

The Church of the Invisible Hand

This is my analysis of Cantwell’s self defense incident. In my capacity as Mad Monk of the Church of the Invisible Hand, I will present it based on the principles of the Church, which are Peace, Love, Balance and Harmony.

First, let us examine principle of Peace. The Church believes that the best rule of behavior to achieve Peace is the Non-Aggression Principle. We believe that the only legitimate use of violence is in defense of yourself, another human or the property of a person. It is the only principle we will impose on others … we will forcibly prevent others from doing us harm. Cantwell’s behavior was completely in line with the principle of Peace. He does have a natural right to videotape a public street — public being defined as unowned or owned by an illegitimate entity like Government. Not only did he not initiate force, but when a credible threat of force was brought to bear against him, and he legally and morally could have fired in self-defense, he still forbore from firing, and brought the incident to a conclusion where nobody was harmed. That is the best possible outcome of a self-defense situation.

Secondly, let us examine the principle of Love. The Church believes as our Estimated Prophet Robert A Heinlein wrote.that “Love is that state where the well-being of another becomes essential of our own”, An (more…)

Activist with firearm defends himself against thugs . No injuries.

Activist Chris Cantwell was confronted by a drunk, angry and violent group of assailants. faced with this attack, he defended himself by drawing his firearm. Here is his description of the events, along with video so you can judge the situation for yourself. I will be writing later about my analysis of this event, the actions of the people involved and my response to some of the commentary on the event.
Cached Copy Follows:

TSA Agents Cooperate to Sexually Assault 12 Men

CBS4 in Denver is reporting a scheme between two TSA workers to allow one to sexually assault men during screening. The accomplice, a female, flagged the gender of the passenger as female, causing the machine to report an anomalous penis shaped object, and giving the male an opportunity to take his time “examining” said member with the palms of his hands. This happened at least 12 times. The scheme was uncovered when a supervisor observed the assault on the last victim. No complaints had been filed by the (at least) 11 other victims.

Let that sink in a moment.

Think about it.

The other 11 victims didn’t even know that they had been assaulted, because they somehow thought it appropriate for a government employee to touch them that way. That, to me is the most disturbing part of this case. They thought it was OK.

It is a metaphor for modern life.

Ordinary people go through their entire lives, getting raped by the government, and never even realizing that anything is wrong. They pay their taxes, and never ask who gave government a right to the fruits of their labor. They obey the morass of laws under which America staggers, as best they can, and never ask who gave government a right to control their lives. They watch their spouses and their friends and their children caged and crippled by the system, and never even consider rising up against it.  They justify this by saying that the majority wills it, and never wonder what gives half of the population to impose its will on the other half.

Of course it goes without saying that no charges will be filed in this case.

Wake Up; That uncomfortable feeling you’re experiencing should be telling you something!

Rich Paul devotes as much time as he can spare from making a living to his activism. He supplements his income with tips, which allow him to devote more time to liberating mankind. Please click here to donate, or to find links to his other projects.

Decriminalization News Conference and Testimony

This last Tuesday there was a Senate Committee meeting on Decriminalization. Here is footage of the press conference held prior to the meeting:

And here is my testimony in the hearing:

If others want their testimony included here, please send me a link.

I had to take a day off work to do this testimony. I am not paid for this work, but I do have expenses. Please consider leaving a tip in my jar or sending a paypal donation. My donation page is here: