One of the school board members said, “We don’t need a very small minority of people in this community — that do not in any way represent the will of the people — telling us how to do our job.”
Why am I paying for this crap! • 4 New warrant articles. School officials concerned • Problems with the education system? You should totally run for school board. /Vomit • @IanGoogling • BallGate, autotune, and you’ll love my nuts • Patriarchy wins!! At least on Survivor • The Penguin circa 96 • Jay, Darryl, and Shaunna join • Show notes at:
Calvin joins us in the Rebel Love studio this week and Liberty Forum updates start off the beginning of show . RLS will be recording at Liberty Forum each day of the conference in Manchester New Hampshire. Rob will have two talks at Liberty Forum via Alt Expo with the artist formerly known as O-Girl aka Lauren Rumpler about secession and another talk about polyamory. Shire Dude will also be recording an episode of Shire Dude and ItsLikeThisToo episodes at Liberty Forum. Topics on this week’s show include Calvin’s journey to the FSP via Carlos Morales, a post BillyRock age, Shire Dude and Calvin are co-workers, life being outed as a Free Stater, dealing with closed minded co-workers, Calvin’s RPG tabletop game, Calvin’s religious southern past, the ancom/ancap debate, Rob discusses running into an ancom in the wild and having a moment of solidarity, Rob longs for stuffed pizza from Chicago, local business reaches out to accept Bitcoin, Shire Dude refuses to release his Bitcoin activism, Rob’s latest video of being pulled over, and should the Rebel Love Show be live on LRN.FM? You can find the Rebel Love Show on Itunes, Stitcher, and YouTube.
Carlos Morales, CPS whistle blower and atheist activist joined myself and fellow Free Keene blogger and co-host Shire Dude in the Rebel Love studio recently. Topics discussed include his new book Legal Kidnapped, Russian oil prices, American fracking, walking the only beach in the Shire, Rob and Carlos discuss being recovering fat guys, Carlos discusses the cults he was involved in, Carlos discusses his activist career in the athiest movement, pros of the FSP and BRLP, why Carlos started his media out reach, and liberty activism for an untapped market.
Beau Davis, the creative force behind 101 Reasons Liberty Lives in New Hampshire, stops by the Rebel Love studios. Beau’s latest documentary is about the Free State Project here in the Shire and the reasons why you should move here as well. The last time Beau was on the show was during the filming of 101 in which the Rebel Love Show, Rob Mathias, and fellow Free Keene blogger Shire Dude were all featured in it. This is also the first episode recorded that we are officially on LRN.FM. Other topics discussed on this week’ show include the Shire being the libertarian mecca, dreaming big in the Shire, what will happen when the move is triggered, Rob and Shire Dude talk about how Derrick J’s Victimless Crime Spree inspired their move to the Shire, right to travel activism, who doesnt love Dave Ridley?, Beau discusses how his cannabis use has helped him and woke him up, Chalk the Police in Manchester, trespass of 12? Shire Dude evolution since living here, Beau pitches the Rebel Love TV Show and the Porcupine AV club, should activists wake others up?, are liberty media types historians, and Beau talks about future projects.