Black Sheep Rising – Episode 61


More reminiscing on PorcFest 2014 • Douche bag of the week: Gov employee steals half a million in quarters • Tattoos •Think you know how to flirt?  Study says you probably suck at it • Ellen joins • Show notes at:

Rebel Love Crew playing catch up from Porcfest

Its been a busy exciting past month for the Rebel Love Crew.  Below are the last four episodes in video and podcast form for you enjoyment.  Pre, during, and post Porcfest epsiodes.  There is also a lot more content on the way soon.  Special content from Porcfest, Operation Arcadia, and the DUI check point party in Manchester will be released soon too.

Episode 12: Porcfest Eve with Theresa Eudaimonia


Episode 13: Recorded at Porcfest with Ian Freeman (more…)

Black Sheep Rising – Episode 60


James gets arrested • To upload or not to upload? • Love your haters • Nice people like to obey • Cops love punching folks • James, Rapsher, and Freerock join • Show notes at:

PorcFest Rising 2014

Cold showers and clogged toilets, Neanderthal heads, ObamaCoin, meow-worms and the biggest, gayest dance party ever.  Join us this week as we discuss all things Porcfest 2014.  Darryl, Garret, James, and Dianna join.  Show notes at:

Keene Sends Message to Thugs: “Keep it Up!”

The following is Rich Paul’s letter to the Keene City Council, as recorded and transcribed by Derrick J Freeman:

When two groups of bullies attacked artists on consecutive days on The Common this month, the Keene City Government sent them a firm message: “Keep it up! We have your back.” How else can we interpret the facts?

In the first attack, four men, all of whom are employed by the Pour House or Pedraza’s, attacked my friend Andy from behind. I dropped my camera and phone, picked up the camera monopod, and drove three of them off. One Pour House employee was able to steal my camera and phone but serious violence was averted.

The City’s response was swift and sure: they arrested me two days later for being a felon in possession of a stick. They have not taken any action against the rioters and thieves. The video of this incident can be found on YouTube, and the thief, first name Terry, bragged of his theft (of the camera) on Twitter.

In the second incident, nobody was fast enough to protect the artist from serious harm, and therefore no arrests have been made. However, City Councilor Filiault is still willing to take the bold step of protecting violent thugs against offensive smiley faces and peace signs by outlawing sidewalk art. His message to bullies: “Hurt people, and we’ll give people what they want.” Perhaps a better solution would be to hold Dorrie O’Meara, who employs all 5 of the attackers, accountable for what her employees do while on the clock.

But then who would protect the bullies?

Richard Paul
C/O Cheshire County D.O.C.
825 Marlboro Road
Keene, NH 03431

Donate to Rich here.

Black Sheep Rising – Episode 57

ALP, PNN and other podcast stuff • Derrick jumps through fiery hoops • Old DMV grannies conspiracy • Young libertarians.  Why we do what we do and why the opposition is wrong • City nanny proposes chalking ordinances • Who owns the commons? • NJ boardwalk mandatory dress code • Ellen and Derrick join • Show notes at: