Jon Meyer Proves City Banning People Illegally from Central Square

Graham Colson, a Robin Hooder, was illegally banned from Central Sq. with an unconstitutional and unauthorized-by-statute-or-ordinance “no trespass” order. Later, he was arrested for violating the illegal order and now heroic first amendment attorney Jon Meyer has stepped into the case and filed a motion to dismiss. This court footage is the hearing on said motion, where Meyer proves the “City of Keene” and the police clearly not only violated the constitution but also broke the law and violated due process. Go Jon Meyer!

Lenco Armored Vehicles: Truth-in-Advertising

Last week it was brought to my attention that Lenco had produced another propaganda piece: this one highlighting the disgusting response from law enforcement during the Boston Bomber manhunt.  They entitled it Protect and Serve.  The only problem is they got the music all wrong and completely forgot about the use of creative subtitles.  I fixed it for them because that’s how nice I am.  Now it makes more sense.

Retrieving Property From the NH Secret Police

2013_08_19_akpfcameratheftWhile more is learned about what motivated the theft of my camera that occurred at the hands of state police in June, content continues to upload as it becomes available. Embedded below is footage of the retrieval of the camera at the state police headquarters on Ash Brook Court in Keene. The return was overseen by trooper Aaron Gillis, who was also a participant in the theft, though identified as a subordinate by the orchestrator of the incident, trooper Joseph DiRusso.

Also discovered last evening was some vandalism to the camera underneath the battery port, where someone had scribbled on the camera with different sharpies.

VIDEO: Secret Police Camera Snatch Revealed

This afternoon, I was happily reunited with my beloved Canon Vixia HFR21, after it had spent nearly two months in the custody of the state police. Since the unsealing of the secret search warrant, it is still unclear what caused judge Edward Burke and trooper Joesph DiRusso to believe that they had a right to conspire to steal property. Their search warrant 2013_07_26_jtdirusso_akpf1lacks anything resembling probable cause of a crime, and the ‘victim’ of the alleged wiretap was royal court jester Tom Mullins, who collects funds from captive taxpayers. Mullins also has an active lawsuit against myself and five friends whom he suspects are behind the filling of parking meters downtown, depriving his organization of their coveted ticket revenue. Even without evidence of any criminal activity, Mullins nearly succeeded in depriving myself of a defensive tool by stealing my camera, a device that I carry with me when Robin Hooding without exception. Thanks to my friend James Cleaveland, I was re-armed with a Sony HDR-CX190 that evening following the shakedown, minimizing the intended damaging effect of the property seizure.

Also retrieved with the camera is the footage of the shakedown, which occurred just out of earshot of my home, while my roommates occupied the porch as I had just bicycled off to go 2013_08_19_reunitedRobin Hooding. At the corner of Leverett and School Street, a car that had earlier been circling my home appeared at a stop sign, and that is where the footage begins. Unfortunately, it appears DiRusso stopped the recording shortly after taking possession of the camera, so not included in this clip is the three to five more minutes I spent on the corner waiting for the receipt for my camera and verbally laying into DiRusso’s subordinate about the morality of their career choice. (more…)

City Appeals Smoke Alarm Case, Spends Hundreds on Transcript

smokeDetector[1]The assistant city attorney from the “City of Keene” is now appealing their smoke alarm case to the Supreme Court. The Keene district court recently tossed out the city’s case against me because the city agents violated their own RSAs, which prohibit the fire chief from inspecting single family or duplex homes. Now, because they hate to lose and have plenty of your tax dollars to spend, the assistant attorney, Leon I. Goodwin III has filed a “mandatory appeal” and ordered up a $275 transcript of the two-hour hearing in district court on the validity of the original inspection warrant.

Here’s Goodwin’s appeal filing with the Supreme Court, which includes the transcript order form. (more…)

Robin Hood Trial Coverage in Sentinel, UL

In a front-page story from the Keene Sentinel, as well as a small article in today’s Union Leader, the legal saga of Keene’s Robin Hood is documented.2013_08_13_robinhoodsentinel

Spending seven hours in a courthouse is seldom entertaining, but during the Robin Hood of Keene trial which occupied the entirety of Monday, the proceedings maintained general lighthearted hilarity. Attorney Jon Meyer represented five of the six accused of filling meters as part of a conspiracy theory hatched by Prince John and Jester Mullins. Despite fairly condemning affidavits filed by parking enforcement officers alleging harassment, the one full and one partial testimony from parking enforcers honestly relayed that Robin Hooders’ interactions with them are fairly innocuous. For example, all enforcer affidavits claim Robin Hooders invade the personal space of enforcers, yet when asked on the stand if anyone present in the courtroom had bumped into or initiated unprivileged physical contact, parking enforcer Linda affirmed one incident and identified a member of the courtroom audience who was not even named in the lawsuit. (more…)