Keene Government Propaganda Video

2013_05_10_dprkThe media capabilities of local governments seem to be ever improving. Just released from the bureaucrats in Keene is this rose-colored overview of the structure of civil society in southwestern NH, the Democratic People’s Republic of Keene. This leaked piece will be featured in the pilot episode of Cheshire county’s newest internet and television variety show AKPF #1, premiering Monday, May 13 around the globe.

Dick Foote Clueless About Judge Ruling His Orders Unconstitutional

If you have any reason to believe the words coming out of his mouth, then former sheriff Dick Foote would like you to think he has no idea about his no-trespass orders he issued against several activists last year being ruled unconstitutional. He didn’t have much to say beyond the common political dodge of, “I haven’t read it, so I can’t comment.” Here’s the footage of my interactions with him outside the “town hall” with Kelly Ayotte recently in Fitzwilliam:

Cannabis Arrests and Convictions by NH Law Enforcement… 100% Unconstitutional

Many moons ago I posted on the Free Keene Forum that police officers in New Hampshire who arrest the sick using marijuana were do so illegally.

After much reflection on the issue, today I am forced to stand by my previous position. Today I find the need to stand further up than I did just a few years ago.

Police officers in New Hampshire have no right to arrest people under state law, anybody, for possession of cannabis. Read Part I, Article 10 for yourself:

[Art.] 10. [Right of Revolution.]

Government being instituted for the common benefit, protection, and security, of the whole community, and not for the private interest or emolument of any one man, family, or class of men; therefore, whenever the ends of government are perverted, and public liberty manifestly endangered, and all other means of redress are ineffectual, the people may, and of right ought to reform the old, or establish a new government. The doctrine of nonresistance against arbitrary power, and oppression, is absurd, slavish, and destructive of the good and happiness of mankind.

June 2, 1784

The federal Drug Enforcement Administration ruled back in the 1980s that Cannabis is safe.  Politicians have consistently hid this information from you.  They rely on you either not knowing the law or not being able to afford to defend yourself.

Guess what?  Now you know! (more…)

Speeding Ticket Motions, Objection, and Response – Was I “within the state”?

Thanks to Marc Stevens‘ excellent motion to dismiss/strike that I modified and filed in my Antrim speeding ticket case, the regional prosecutor, Michael Beausoleil responded! In his response he actually makes the claim that I am “within the state” and simultaneously claims to be the state. The response I am sending out to Mr. Beausoleil tomorrow makes it clear that while it can be proven that I am within a geographic boundary commonly known as New Hampshire, Beausoleil has not proven that I am within the jurisdiction of the political state. It should be interesting to see if I get a response.

In addition to this series of interaction, I have also filed a request for discovery, motion to bypass the waste-of-time “pre trial conference”, (which is nothing more than a glorified plea deal )and also filed a motion for the court to acknowledge my long-established name change to Ian Freeman. Stay tuned here to Free Keene for updates.