Phone Tag with Phil Christiana
This content was originally posted to on June 6th, 2012.
This video is a follow-up to “FBI – Your Tactics Aren’t Welcomed In This Peaceful Community” posted on May 31st, 2012, and also visible below:
This content was originally posted to on June 6th, 2012.
This video is a follow-up to “FBI – Your Tactics Aren’t Welcomed In This Peaceful Community” posted on May 31st, 2012, and also visible below:
Coming this Summer:
More info at
It’s been brought to my attention that the FBI has been snooping around the Keene area for several months. First they called in a fellow Free Keene blogger (who asked not to be identified) and asked him if violence was advocated amongst those who frequent the Keene Activity Center. The Free Keene blogger clearly told them they had the wrong people and that if violence was ever advocated, it would be rejected as a means to the end by any real “Free Stater” (a term I use only as a way to identify a group, it should be understood that ‘free staters’, like everyone else, are individuals responsible for their own actions and thoughts).
Top this off with a few sketchy visits from new movers, who I now believe to be FBI agents or informants, and it’s almost comical – if not so scary – how pathetic the FBI’s attempts are at infiltrating the Keene Activity Center (KAC). One guy, ‘Michael’, came to the KAC for a visit (which is typical of new movers) and after a long conversation – where I asked him directly if he was an agent of the state (he said he was not) – it was decided that “Michael’s” views are not acceptable to those who frequent the KAC and he was asked to leave. He has never attempted a return but it should be noted that this man may still be trying to infiltrate liberty groups.
Fast forward a couple a months and the FBI – Phil Christiana – decides to interview another liberty minded person, Rich Paul. Known for his self ownership activism, relating to the war on drugs – particularly marijuana – Rich was targeted for allegedly making voluntary exchanges of substances the government deems illegal. Funny thing is, Phil and the state agent that was assisting him didn’t even care about the drugs. What did Phil and the FBI want? They wanted Rich to wear a wire into the Keene Activity Center. (more…)
Being as liberty activists in Keene already made news by crashing Romney, Santorum, and Huntsman campaign speeches, it was time to give the Democrats their “equal time”. (By the way, Gingerich mysteriously canceled his visit to Keene, likely after his staff heard what happened to his counterparts.) Earlier this week, Kelly Voluntaryist and Graham Freeman made it into an allegedly invite-only Obama campaign event with Joe Biden and attempt to ask questions to bring attention to the new total-police-state policy of “indefinite detention”. In response, some in the surrounding crowd attempt to shout them down by chanting, “Yes we can!”, whenever Kelly or Graham speak:
Here are more of Dave Ridley’s opinions regarding some activism in the Keene area:
Here’s his original video from a few weeks ago about this same subject.
Most people are aware of cults. Some are more familiar than others, having actually been in one, or having a loved one who was or still is. Religious cults are the most obvious. In addition there are self-help cults and marketing cults.
Some critics have accused the liberty movement as being a cult. However, when you break it down, it doesn’t fit the parameters. Really what is happening, is those accusing liberty-oriented people of being cult members are just projecting. Whether they realize it or not, they are deep within a cult of their own. It’s a cult so pervasive and effective, that people don’t realize they are a part of it.
Until a better name is put forth, I’d call it the Authority Cult. In Larken Rose’s excellent book, “The Most Dangerous Superstition”, he clearly outlines how the belief in “authority” is incredibly destructive to the ends of peace. It’s an excellent and enlightening read.
There are classic signs you are in a cult, and the Authority Cult is replete with them:
Brainwashing Techniques
There is no shortage of brainwashing going on in the Authority Cult. Children are indoctrinated from a young age to believe in “authority” and to respect those who claim to have it. The message is very effective, and the government schools churn out wave after wave of worker drones who are not likely question their beliefs and will hand over a huge portion of their earnings to the Authority Cult leadership.
Chanting is also another serious warning sign, and Authority Cult members are inculcated from an early age with the “Pledge of Allegiance” (more…)