NH Bitcoiners Speak to Senate Committee About Bitcoin Protection Bill – VIDEO

Bitcoin NH License Plate

Bitcoiners Love NH

The New Hampshire house of representatives recently passed a historic Bitcoin protection bill, that if it makes it through the senate and governor will make New Hampshire the opposite of New York. New York is infamous for its “bitlicense” regulations that drove multiple bitcoin businesses out of the Empire State. In contrast, New Hampshire, if this bill passes, would become a state with explicit protection against regulating Bitcoin businesses as “money transmitters”.

Last week, HB 436 had its public hearing before the senate commerce committee and a bunch of bitcoiners from across the state came out to sign and testify in favor of the bill, which would help ensure Bitcoin businesses continue to launch in and relocate to New Hampshire. It would further solidify New Hampshire’s place in the world as a cryptocurrency hotspot.

The speakers in favor far outnumbered those speaking against, which was really only the NH banking commission, who obviously does not want to lose hold of any of their precious power.

Those who spoke were on point and did a great job communicating with the senators on the committee. Turns out that two of those senators, Andy Sanborn and chairman Daniel Innis both already own bitcoin!

Will the bill pass the senate and be signed by the governor, or will the banking bureaucrats pull out all the stops to crush it? Stay tuned here to Free Keene for the latest on the NH Bitcoin scene.

Here’s the full hearing video:

Liberty Lobby – Week 12 – Videos

Liberty Lobbyist Darryl W Perry and I went to the state house this week to testify on more legislation. Here are seven full hearing videos from last week:

HB 580 would regulate fantasy sports websites operating in New Hampshire. Liberty Lobbyist Darryl W Perry and I both testified against. Here’s the full hearing video:

HB 228 would allow minors to legally transport alcohol with certain family members present in-car. I testified in favor. Here’s the full hearing video: (more…)

Liberty Lobby – Week 11 – Videos

Liberty Lobbyist Darryl W Perry and I went to the state house this week to testify on more legislation. Here are five full hearing videos from last week:

HB 614 would prevent seized assets under $100,000 from being transferred to the federal government. Liberty legislator Mike Sylvia sponsored the bill. Here’s the full hearing video:

HB 140 would allow NH wine manufacturers to open an off-premises tasting room. Liberty Lobbyist Darryl W Perry and I testified in favor. This video is particularly entertaining as one of the liquor industry reps gets unintentionally trolled by my testimony. Here’s the full hearing video: (more…)

Liberty Lobby – Week 10 – Videos

Liberty Lobbyist Darryl W Perry and I went to the state house this week to testify on more legislation. Here are three full hearing videos from this week:

HB 372 would change definitions of resident and inhabitant. Darryl W Perry testified against this dangerous bill. Here’s the full hearing:

HB 94 is a confusing bill. It purports to protect victims of sex trafficking, but the language is about punishing johns who have sex with a consenting teen, with felony charges. I testified against it. Here’s the full hearing: (more…)

Liberty Lobby – Week 8 – Videos

Liberty Lobbyist Darryl W Perry and I went to the state house this week to testify on more legislation. It was a short week, however, and I only have two full hearing videos to share:

HB 161 would close the loophole allowing untaxed beer sales at farmers’ markets. This is the same bill that was heard in week 2’s videos, but in front of a different committee. Darryl and I testified against it. Here’s the full hearing video:

HB 103 would require government schools to send parents notice of any sexually objectionable course material. Here’s the full hearing video: (more…)

Liberty Lobby – Week 7 – Cannabis Legalization

Liberty Lobbyist Darryl W Perry and I went to the state house this week to testify on more legislation. However it was another short week and this time I only have one full length hearing video to share, but it’s a good one: Cannabis Legalization! The NH senate judiciary committee heard SB 233 to legalize up to an ounce of cannabis and five grams of hashish. I spoke in favor, with some reservations. Here’s the full hearing video:

Will the tide change this year for cannabis? Stay tuned here to Free Keene for the latest!