Secret Service Takes Guns, Pony Away From Vermin Supreme

Vermin Supreme for President

Vermin Supreme or President, 2016

Finally! A candidate worth voting for has entered the presidential race. Vermin Supreme is back for 2016’s presidential primary, this year filing in the Democratic contest. On Friday the boot-wearing candidate, who advocates mandatory teeth-brushing, is promising to buy everyone a pony if he is elected, and will go back in time to kill Hitler if elected, filed for the office of President in Concord, NH with a $1,000 filing fee.

Before heading into the state house to file, Vermin exercised his right to open carry weapons and strapped on a few guns, including a pistol attached to the boot on his head. Sadly, the Secret Service had taken over the state house and were somehow able to temporarily destroy NH’s freedom to carry a gun. Vermin was disarmed, and they would not even allow him to bring in his pony doll or even a cigarette lighter. Apparently they were protecting some lesser candidate named Ben Carson with their ridiculous security apparatus. Here’s the full RAW video of his appearance at the NH state house:

Of course, the security is all for show. If someone were intent on hurting Carson, they could simply wait until he leaves the building.

It’s supposedly illegal for the government to deprive people of their right to bear arms in NH’s government buildings that aren’t considered “secure facilities” like jails or courts. Apparently these rules do not apply to the Secret Service.

The entire encounter was captured on video by Free State Project early mover and former CPS investigator-turned-good, Carlos Morales.

Volunteering for Shire Sharing

Shire Sharing is a voluntaryist inspired charity organized by early mover to the Free State Project and NH State Representative Amanda Bouldin. This was the second year that this Free Keene blogger volunteered for the charity. I volunteered to assist with the assembly and delivery of the Thanksgiving meals from their Manchester location. This location was a warehouse near the Manchester airport that was donated to use for this past weekend. The crescendo of Shire Sharing took place on November 21st & 22nd during the assembly and delivery phase of the charity.


Concord Monitor’s Front Page Features Keene’s Bitcoin Vending Machine

Keene Bitcoin Vending Machine

Keene’s Bitcoin Vending Machine

Thanks to David Brooks of the Concord Monitor’s “Granite Geek” blog for his coverage of the Keene Bitcoin Vending Machine’s first year of operation. In addition to the front page of the Monitor’s print edition, the story also appeared in the Valley News, covering the Upper Valley of NH.

Brooks gets his reporting mostly correct, though I don’t share his view that bitcoin is doing poorly. It’s arguably the strongest currency in the world at over $335 USD per BTC as of this writing, with a myriad of businesses accepting it online and as Brooks notes, a bunch of NH businesses. By no means has it skyrocketed in popularity among average folks, but we’re talking about a major change in money here – there’s a learning curve involved at this point. It’s important to keep things in perspective: Bitcoin was released to the world in 2009. It’s been six years – a drop in the bucket of time. Bitcoin is just getting started.

Bitcoin is also easier to use than ever before. In the beginning, it was only geeks who could access bitcoin. As it spread and investors and more entrepreneurs got involved, easy-to-use wallet software became available. Now, all you need to do to get started with Bitcoin is download a free wallet and drop by the Keene Bitcoin Vending Machine at 661 Marlboro Street in Keene (Route 101), or acquire bitcoin in various other ways. Visit to learn more.

Here’s a link to Brooks’ front-page story here on the Concord Monitor’s site.

AKPF #1 Production Relocates, New Episodes Return 11/30

It is with great enthusiasm that the production crew of the controversial AKPF #1 television announces big news for the series that shook the city of Keene’s foundation. While episodes had previously been predominantly filmed and based around the Cheshire akpf_censored1bcounty area, new episodes to begin airing on Cheshire TV November 30th will be produced in the state capitol of Concord. This production move will ensure that more globally relevant, universally reciprocal content will be infused into the program, as series director Garret Ean and his uncredited assistant producer draw from a much larger pool of content from the heart of Shire.

As copywrong fascists continue their attack on free information sharing through youtube and other censored distribution outlets, public access television remains one of the few outlets individuals have for unrestricted self-expression in both audio and video format. For this reason, the producers also are proud to announce the show’s impending arrival on the airwaves of Concord TV. A schedule for airings on the capitol area’s public access station will be released as details are squared away with representatives of the station.

State Reps Hold Contest for Kids to Find NH’s Dumbest Laws

NH State House

What is the dumbest statute in NH?

Liberty-friendly state representatives have come up with an interesting idea for a contest for children in NH. Instead of encouraging them to think up new laws, they’re asking kids to find NH’s dumbest laws. The contest is already making headlines.

Max Abramson, a liberty-oriented state rep from Seabrook told the Seacoast Online, “All New Hampshire students have until Sept. 15 to post a law they’d like to see repealed on the event’s Facebook page called New Hampshire’s Dumbest Law. Sept. 15 is three days before the deadline for lawmakers to file legislation.”

In an interview with Free Keene, Abramson added, “The class that comes up with the silliest or most ridiculous law gets to have a bill sponsored to repeal it.”

Exclusive: Federal Court Declares NH’s “Ballot Selfie” Law Unconstitutional

Ballot Selfie

No Longer Illegal in NH

In a 42-page decision, the US District Court for New Hampshire has ruled in favor of protestors including Free State Project early mover and attorney Brandon Ross who violated the state’s “ballot selfie” prohibition and were investigated and threatened by the Attorney General’s office. In 2014, Ross had taken a picture of his ballot and posted it to his facebook accompanied by the words “come at me bro”. They did, and now Ross and his co-plaintiffs state representative Leon Rideout, and Andrew Langlois are victorious in their case thanks to the NH ACLU, as the law has been overturned as unconstitutional!

The defendant in the case, representing the state, was secretary of state Bill Gardener who argued that free speech (photos of ballots) should be curtailed because voters will be either induced to sell their votes or subjected to coercion if they are permitted to disclose images of their ballots to others. Judge Paul Barbadoro denied there was any evidence those speculative objections would be the case, and even if there were evidence, that’s not reason enough to restrict free speech.

Timothy Horrigan

State Rep Tim Horrigan, Snitch

The case reveals on page 18, that it was Timothy Horrigan, an anti-freedom state rep (rated as a “Constitutional Threat” in 2015 by the NH Liberty Alliance) that both introduced the bill banning ballot selfies AND snitched to the Attorney General’s office about Ross’ facebook post. Ross, in an exclusive interview for Free Keene said Horrigan’s behavior, “shows that lawmakers will absolutely use their laws they’ve just made to try to censor people”.

Ross also said he was surprised the state actually moved against him, saying, “I gave them too much credit, thinking they would never try to enforce that clearly unconstitutional law. Joke’s on me. But, a little healthy defiance can be a good thing now and again too.”