State Rep. Cynthia Chase posted on BlueHampshire, “Free Staters are not welcome here.” She continued by writing:
“Cheshire County is a welcoming community but not to those whose stated goal is to move in enough ideologues to steal our state, and our way of life.
Ultimately the Free Staters want NH to be a platform state for them to export their views to the rest of the country. Some of these folks dress up pretty well, but if you check their website you will find that they are really wolves in sheep’s clothing. The best strategy from my perspective is to keep shining a light on their views and activities and make it very plain that NH is not up for sale to any ideology. To ignore these people and hope they go away is a recipe for disaster.”
Congratulations to Free State Project participant Tim O’Flaherty for winning his state representative race in Manchester. Tim self-describes as an anarchist and has won as a Democrat in a race against a small government Republican, who happens to be Tim’s roommate, Dan Garthwaite, another early mover for the FSP.
While filming the merry antics of the Vermin Supreme campaign on November fifth, the eve of the election, myself and another videographer witnessed Manchester police remove an attendee from the Romney rally venue. After a lengthy conversation with a few officers outside of my view, we notice the man being dragged to the ground by three before being placed into a prisoner transport van. It’s difficult to make out the exchanges between the parties over the blaring music of the Mitt Romney/Kid Rock performance. Body language indicates that at one point, the officer appeared to try to take the man into custody, but he backs away and is not heartily pursued. The third party candidate tries to deescalate the situation with police by asking if the man is free to go, to which the officer implied that he wanted the man to leave. It’s possible that the arrested individual was not in the right state of mind and very uncomfortable, as it was near freezing temperatures at the time that this footage was shot.
It’s unclear what the man has been charged with, and a call to Manchester’s public information unit told me that no records were accessible until Monday. The only information regarding an arrest that I have found for this date is a blog entry by presidential campaign follower Ray LeMoine posting on The author reports: (more…)
Free Concord had the privilege of interviewing presidential candidate Vermin Supreme on the eve of the United States presidential election. Check out what Free Pony Party’s nominee had to say as we dig deep into his dental policy, addressing America’s moral and oral decay.
The night started off with a bang, as my phone buzzed with a text from a friend, with the cryptic “FTW”, which I confirmed quickly to mean he’d been elected as NH State Representative. Not bad for what started as a write-in campaign during the Republican Primary, and grew quickly with his being attacked in the press for being a freestater.
Would Election Eve be full of this sort of awesome news? I hoped so. Would Romney lead a strong Republican coat tail to help the NHGOP retain control of the House and Senate and maybe gain the Governor’s office too? Or would Obama’s organizers sweep in and help the NH Dems into victories, perhaps only some, perhaps by a great deal.
The tide was clear, though, when a sitting Republican Rep lost in a seat I figured was very safe. The bad news of loss after loss of “good” reasonably proliberty Republican Reps was bad enough, but then even not so good R Reps were losing… the “blue tide” was back.
In 2004, a blue tide slowly began crept into NH’s State House, taking over the Governor’s office and enough House Democrats to skew the House to the moderate middle for even control of the leadership. In 2006, the blue tide rose higher, and washed nearly every R who expected a easy win off the map, leaving the Democrats in firm control of both House and Senate with the popular incumbent Governor Lynch on top. 2008 remained much the same, though some pro-liberty Republicans returned, despite national Blue wins with Obama (a good sign that the tide was perhaps receding here). The fiscal woes, taxes and fees, social changes (some for the better, IMHO, like same sex marriage passing) and the many many Nanny State bills passed into law, finally caused the electorate to rethink sending so many Democrats to Concord, the New Hampshire capital, and instead send a huge Red wave of Republicans. Me among them, and thus I spent the last two years in Concord, fighting for freedom.
The 2011-2012 legislature was strongly split in many ways, (more…)
While hours of footage from the 2012 election is being sorted and uploaded to Fr33manTVraw, I have assembled two videos of Vermin Supreme raising consciousness for his campaign. The first is a scene from just outside of the Mitt Romney and Kid Rock performance on the eve of the election at the Verizon Wireless Arena.
An illustrated video of Vermin’s appearance on Free Talk Live the saturday before the election has been created using footage from Free Concord and friends. (more…)