Two NH Liberty Party Candidates on Keene Municipal Primary Ballot This Tuesday!

Conan Salada for Keene City Council At-Large 2015

Conan Salada for Keene City Council At-Large 2015

With sixteen candidates in the at-large race on Tuesday’s primary ballot in Keene, voters have a wide range of choices that they’ll whittle down to ten, then five winners at the general election in November. Two of those choices are NH Liberty Party candidates, Conan Salada and me, Ian Freeman. Of the two of us, Conan is running a more active campaign and has placed yard signs at various strategic points in the city.

Here are our responses to the Keene Sentinel’s candidate questionnaire: Conan’s answers, Ian’s answers

Liberty lovers in Keene should consider bullet voting for Conan and I to help us move through the primary (or if you really want to bullet vote, choose just Conan). A “bullet vote” adds votes only to the most principled candidates, which assists in our vote totals in a multi-seat race like this.

If you live in Keene, please come vote on Tuesday, October 6th from 8am to 7pm. Voting locations and more details are here.

Robin Hood Case Goes Redux


Considerable time has passed since the city of Keene first filed a lawsuit against the meddlesome youths known as Robin Hooders. Following three days of testimonial hearings in October of 2013, a reunion party was hosted by the court for all initially involved, with three of six activists returning. Fine-tuning their excess to scale down the event significantly, the city would only present two witnesses, countered by two representing the defense, enabling what originally cost three days to wrap up within one.

The complications keeping the Robin Hood of Keene legal saga alive are as convoluted as the civil court system itself, which would have otherwise been unnavigable by the activists on defense if it were not for the appreciated representation by civil rights advocate attorney Jon Meyer. As the city’s attorneys began their case, Meyer declined to offer an opening statement, but instead asked if the city could clarify the specific demands it is seeking for “injunctive relief”.

Robert Dietel outlined that the CoK now requests no more than a ten foot “buffer zone” to float around parking enforcement officers. The request seemed modest compared to prior demands for 50, 30, and 20 feet of bureaucrat safety buffers. The tone of the day, echoing a sentiment expressed at the supreme court, seemed to be that the city’s attorneys would accept whatever “injunctive relief” they could be granted, anything to declare a small victory in what must be a loss of staggering proportions, both financially and politically. (more…)

Keene city candidates for mayor and city council 2015

Click on any candidate to read his/her answers to the Keene Sentinel Questionnaire. Answers are being updated as they are printed.



Kris Roberts

Rick Blood

Kendall Lane

Ward 1

Darryl Masterson

David Crawford

Steve Hooper

Ward 2

Toby Tousley

Brian Hansen

Carl Jacobs

Ward 3

David Richards

Joseph Losh

Ward 4

Bob Sutherland

James Duffy

Ward 5

Jerry Sickels

Thomas Powers

Road calming project unnecessary

FreeMoney-01In my latest LTE to the Keene Sentinel I address my concerns over a ridiculous road project funded by federal grants that the city is trying to execute in my quiet neighborhood in north Keene. Because, you know, free money.

Well, they’re at it again. The federal grant-chasers of America are doing what they do best — finding expensive projects to invest in that we didn’t know we actually needed. Enter the Jonathan Daniels Road Calming Pilot project, an initiative to get more kids riding their bikes to school by adding more safety features to our already safe roads. Never mind the fact that this is the last year of JD Elementary. To get a better idea of their proposed plan I attended their Tuesday night meeting for questions and comments.

In order to receive the $132,000 grant, the project must be carried out by outside contractors. The city, which could probably perform this same project for a fraction of the cost, cannot be involved in the hands-on labor. Sounds fishy already. Some of the costs listed included $2,000 stripped road crossings, $5,000 radar speed signs, and $6,000 raised crosswalks.

“But it’s free money.” No. There is no such thing. Someone is picking up the check. In this case it’s getting tacked right on to the federal credit card.

“But think of the children.” I am thinking of the kids. Like my daughter, who stands to inherit this massive credit card bill.

“But this project could prevent future accidents.” What accidents? Between 2007-10 (the stats that were included in the project plan) there were 15 total accidents. All of them were minor, including the school bus that hit a parked car, and all occurred on Maple Ave. or in the school parking lot. Not a single accident occurred in Maple Acres, where the proposed project will be implemented.

“But more signs will make us safer.” No. This city is already suffering information overload from too many signs. Drivers should be paying attention to the roads, pedestrians and other vehicles, and not be lambasted by some sign every 20 feet. If anything, the city of Keene should be emulating the street system we have in Maple Acres: wide-open streets with limited street signage and road markers. (more…)

Keenevention’s Legislative Panel to Feature A+ Rated Reps, Including Liberty Legislator of the Year

Legislative Panel 2015This year’s Legislative Panel at Keenevention will be an all-star, featuring FOUR A+ rated reps and one A rated rep, according to the New Hampshire Liberty Alliance‘s 2015 ratings.

Free State Project early mover Mike Sylvia has been mainstay for liberty in the state house since 2012, and naturally was given an A+ rating by the New Hampshire Liberty Alliance for his pro-freedom voting record. Join Mike and his panel of distinguished activists in the legislative field for this year’s Legislative Panel at Keenevention! Panelists to include JR Hoell, an A rated rep from Dunbarton & Bow, Dan Itse, the A+ rated Legislator of the Year from Fremont, Jim Spillane, the A+ rated rep from Nottingham, and Jim McConnell, the A+ rated rep from Swanzey.

Keenevention is Hallowkeene weekend, October 30th through November 1st. Tickets for the third-annual Keenevention are just $60 or BTC for the whole weekend, including the Hallowkeene costume dance party! Pre-event ticketing is limited to 100, so lock yours in now.

Stay tuned to the Keenevention blog for more speaker announcements (you can sign up for emails when the blog has new posts using the signup box in the right column). You can also follow the new Keenevention Twitter, Keenevention’s facebook page and join the official facebook event here.

Manchester’s Liberty City Council Candidate Drops “Truth Bomb” in Campaign Video

Free State Project early mover and fabulous dancer Andre Rosa has made it through the Manchester primary! Now, he enters the general election contest against a union guy for the open (meaning no incumbent is running) Ward 1 Manchester city council seat to be decided in the vote on November 3rd.

Here’s his first campaign video, where Andre drops the “truth bomb” on the city:

You can follow Andre’s campaign blog here.