More Ambush Interviews from Keene School Board Meeting

Dave Ridley continues his series of videos from the Keene School Board meeting last month.  As usual, his ambush-style interviews capture more ridiculous, unaccountable behavior from the school board members and school staff.

In this video, one school board member refuses to agree to support ANY kind of budget cap.  No amount of taxing is too much!

In this video, Ridley confronts school bureaucrats who do not want to answer questions about anything as well as another school board member who refuses to support a budget cap: (more…)

NH Ends Prohibition of Narcan, the Heroin Overdose-Reversal Drug

State Rep Amanda Bouldin, UBER Customer

State Representative Amanda Bouldin

Free State Project early mover Amanda Bouldin was elected in Manchester in 2014 as a state representative and one of the first things she did was file a bill, HB 271, that ends prohibition on possession of Narcan.  Narcan is a trade name for Naloxone which can be administered to counter the effects of an opioid overdose – saving lives.  Until now, Narcan could only be possessed legally by EMS and police.  Now anyone who acts with “good faith and reasonable care” may store or administer the life-saving drug to a person in overdose with no criminal or civil liability.  It’s a major change that will likely result in saving the lives of multiple heroin and other opiate addicts in New Hampshire.

Bouldin is also known for her Shire Sharing organization that feeds poor families on Thanksgiving each year across the state.

Not only is the ending of Narcan prohibition a major success for a freshman legislator, it’s a big win for the Free State Project, and more proof that the 1500 early movers continue to have a significant impact.  If you love liberty and aren’t here yet, start planning your move and join the FSP!

That NH governor Maggie Hassan signed this harm-reducing legislation into law is a sign that there might be a glimmer of humanity inside her.  Now hopefully she’ll do the right thing on cannabis decriminalization if it gets passed by the senate this week.

Secretive Parks & Rec Director Confronted on Chalk Oppression

Keene Parks and Rec director Andy Bohannon made headlines here at Free Keene in October 2012 when he attempted to intimidate peaceful chalkers in downtown’s Central Square during “Chalk the Police” day.  Andy hid his nametag from view when he was questioned by activists including Garret Ean.  Government in New Hampshire is supposed to be open and accountable, as per article 8 of the NH Constitution’s Bill of Rights, yet Andy hid his identity as he tried to stop the free speech event.

Now Dave Ridley confronts him about it, more than two years later, and it sounds like Andy denies his own behavior as he scurries out of the city building after a council meeting.  Dave gives chase into the parking lot but doesn’t get another word out of Andy.  Perhaps he’s embarrassed about his behavior?  If so, then why not admit fault and apologize like most good people would do when they do something they regret?  I guess that would take some integrity and guts.  Here’s the video of the confrontation, which also includes Ridley being blown off and ignored by some city councilors when he asks about tax-cutting:

Keene City Council Actually Talks To Ridley!

Dave Ridley is back in Keene and recently went to a Keene city council meeting with questions for the councilors.  He approached them in the hallway outside the council chambers and I’m pleased to say that in the two videos released thus far, every single Keene city councilor he asked a question of, actually gave an answer!

This must be a pleasant surprise to Ridley who is frequently ignored by rude politicians wherever he goes.   Kudos to the Keene city council for being willing to talk to independent media.

Here’s the first of two videos released in Ridley’s new series from the Keene city council thus far. In it Ridley quizzes the councilors about the city’s relationship with Keene State College:

This is the second of two videos, where Ridley questions them about cutting taxes (more…)

Former Gubernatorial Candidate Hemingway Schools Hassan on Decriminalization

Andrew Hemingway

Andrew Hemingway

In an excellent and well-researched piece in a Seacoast paper, Foster’s, former gubernatorial candidate Andrew Hemingway, a Republican, schools NH governor Maggie Hassan on why she should change her mind and support cannabis decriminalization:


Gov. Maggie Hassan has said she does not support a bill that would decriminalize possession of one-half ounce or less of marijuana. This is becoming a source of consternation for Granite Staters of all ages and across the political spectrum, and it is especially confusing to younger voters who see our current marijuana penalties as senseless and archaic.


HB 618, which would reduce this penalty from a misdemeanor to a violation, passed the House in March. The vote was an overwhelming 297-67, with 96 percent of House Democrats and 72 percent of House Republicans voting in favor. Unfortunately, since Gov. Hassan has not taken a favorable position on the bill, it faces an uncertain fate in the Senate.


This bill would not make marijuana legal, as voters in four states and the District of Columbia have chosen to do. Instead, what we’re talking about here is a much more limited reform, one that would put New Hampshire’s marijuana penalties more nearly into line with the penalties found in other New England states. It would also be consistent with public opinion and with the New Hampshire Constitution, which advises that “all penalties ought to be proportioned to the nature of the offense.”


When I was running for the Republican nomination for governor in 2014, I came out strongly in favor of decriminalizing marijuana possession. I did so with the expectation that I would receive pushback from some in my party who had been supporting the War on Marijuana their entire lives. (more…)

Hassan Confronted for Several Minutes on Cannabis Hypocrisy: VIDEO

Sad Maggie Hassan

Does she have a conscience?

This afternoon the hypocrite governor of New Hampshire spoke at Keene State College’s 2015 graduation ceremony.  Maggie Hassan, the boss of the state’s executive branch, is likely to veto the cannabis decrim bill if it makes it through the NH senate.  It already passed the NH house with a supermajority of votes.  It’s clear that decriminalization is what the people of New Hampshire want (it’s also the humane choice), but Hassan throws her loyalty into the camp of the police and cares not one bit about the lives that continue to be ruined because of her inhumane war on pot.

Oh, and to make her position even more outrageous, it turns out she herself has used cannabis in her college days.  That raging hypocrisy didn’t stop her from showing up at Keene State College and acting like she actually gives a damn about the very same students that her police regularly threaten and harass over victimless crimes like cannabis and alcohol possession.  Rich Paul and I went down to KSC today to confront her on these things and were accompanied by local education activist Ed Bryans who was upset with Hassan’s veto of the anti-common core bill. We found her at the end of the commencement and had plenty of time to give her a hard time while she was unable to leave, much to the dismay of a few of her sycophants. Here’s the video:

It’s not too late for cannabis decrim to pass, but Hassan and the NH senators need to hear from you. Please reach out to your senator here and ask them to support HB618, the cannabis decriminalization bill. Then please call Hassan’s office and encourage her to do the right thing and let decrim pass.