Black Sheep Rising – Episode 14

The boys of AKPF #1 are back in the house to discuss their never ending battle with the royals of Keene.

1.  Find out what went down in round 1 of Robin Hood vs the Man.

2.  Will water hoses deter their heroic efforts?

3.  The city sends us a nice photo album.  A game of guess that caption ensues.

4.  Everyone loves Ji.  Even the meter maids.

5.  Local haters gather their forces to do battle against the Hood… Well, they talk about it anyways.

Check out more on this terrific crossover special at

How I went from atheist to minister in the Shire Free Church.

Ian_FancyThis lengthy post is basically a partial biography and tells my story in some detail about my path to liberty and spirituality:

I just can’t do it anymore.  I have had enough of paying for this inhumane and insane state system.

It’s more than just a system – “the state” is a belief system and a religion.  It is an evil religion that masquerades as though it is good.

Of course, I didn’t always think like this.

I suppose I should start at the beginning.  Probably like you, I attended state-run school while growing up.  They told me I was “gifted” – a designation that to this day I find ridiculous – so I went to the state school where the other “gifted” students went.  School still sucked, but I had no idea how much worse it was at the other schools as I was insulated at the institution that was generally inhabited by the kids of the elite, though there were exceptions, including me.  My family were middle class Presbyterians. (more…)

Black Sheep Rising – Episode 13

1.  Why does Darryl hate some dogs more than others?

2.  Shelter holds dog for ransom.  Euthanizes after three days for late payment.

3.  City of Keene challenges Robin Hood to duel.

4.  Russian man writes own credit card terms.  Wins in court.

5.  Teen informs dad of lost virginity via mis-text.


“We’re building a domestic army” – In this video by Bikerbill, a Marine Corps Colonel named Peter Martino speaks out against police militarization at the Concord BEARCAT hearing:

Huffpo claims an inferior version the video is going viral. Sadly, that version is clearly shot with a cell phone, whereas Bikerbill’s is a proper, steady camera, with good audio. In fact, Bikerbill shot full coverage of the hours of testimony. Here’s Part 1 and Part 2.

UPDATE: More about Marine Colonel Peter Martino:

Mr. Martino is a Colonel in the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve who has been mobilized three times. During his military career, he commanded an infantry platoon, company, and battalion. He was also the senior U.S. adviser to an Iraqi Army brigade. Mr. Martino has had a successful civilian career providing training, consulting, and program management services to private companies and to state and federal agency contractors. Mr. Martino presently holds a top secret security clearance.


Black Sheep Rising – Episode 11

In this week’s episode we discuss tactics on beating speeding tickets, the ever increasing warnings coming from both the right and left concerning a certain strain of libertarianism, Homeland security raids on massage parlors and happy endings and how much to pay for them.