Adam Sutler and Edgar Friendly Audition for Senate Panel

denis-learyfriendlyIn an entry published two days prior, you may recall reading about two theatrical monologues delivered at the state house which prompted a response from the Concord Monitor and from satirical blogger Susan the Bruce. And now, after one week’s wait, both performances are available on the internet for your viewing pleasure! Through the powers of Vimeo, you can see and hear both of the performance pieces as stand-alone orations, in addition to versions accompanied by their cinematic inspirations. Many thanks to Adam and Edgar for interjecting some culture into the otherwise drawn out and dreary budget hearing. Mr. Sutler’s performance is entitled The Law’s Coming (also with cinema overdubs).

[vimeo] (more…)

‘Free Keene Knuckleheads’ Yanked from YouTube

It was one month ago when DrDavid Berman removed the feedback mechanisms from his popular youtube video Free Keene Knuckleheads Confronted. Some time recently, the video itself became privatized, making it inaccessible for viewing to the general public. You can see multiple shots taken from Dr. Dave’s perspective in the AKPF episode Dr. David Joins Aqua Keene Parking Force, including audio ripped from the original. Since the video’s debut, Robin Hood of Keene and his Merry Men (of which this author is an active participant) have received a number of apologies and expressions of support from individuals identifying as Christian who believed that the doctor’s actions in the video did not represent their faith well.

knuckleheads_akpfthumbnailWhile Dr. Dave’s approach was unnecessarily confrontational, I do appreciate that he took the initiative to express himself on video for public dissemination. There are many who never express themselves. Robin Hood and the Merry Men welcome third party videographers to record our actions, and we encourage them to disseminate as much of their footage to the public as possible. The original video description of the Knuckleheads video read:

I’m Confronting these idiots because they are constantly following meter maids around with cameras trying to intimidate them and make their work life miserable. They are acting like little babies because I am calling them names like Jerks and knuckleheads. Aww…did I hurt your feelings? They and those who defend them are just that.

Dr. David Berman Confronts the Merry Men

T’was two days ago when the Merry Men, which at the time consisted of myself and Keene native Graham, were approached by a mysterious individual wielding a phone as a videocamera. Though he declines to introduce himself, he was prompt in uploading his video to his youtube channel, Dr David Berman/MusicProDave.

Discussion of the cell phone video occupied a good portion of last evening’s episode of Free Talk Live. For a confrontational encounter, I feel surprisingly relieved of responsibility to add much commentary to accompany what was digitally captured. Mr. Berman’s video, my own raw video, and the raw footage from Graham’s flipcam speak for themselves. The best illustration I have found thus far of the experience was uploaded by the Aqua Keene Parking Force, using all three angles and adding some additional videography skills into the mix.

An article about David’s video was published yesterday to Free Keene.


Hundreds Gather for Firearm Freedom at Capitol

2013_01_19_timemagznYesterday demonstrations were held across the US in support of firearm freedom. In Concord, hundreds attended a roughly two hour rally to oppose further restrictions on rights to self defense technologies.

Nobody was sighted counter-protesting, though at an antiabortion rally which occurred hours prior, a crowd was demonstrating in opposition. A photo from the steps of the state house was featured in a Time magazine article on the national rallies. An unedited video playlist features footage at Fr33manTVraw.

Ridley Reports on KPD’s Ken Meola’s Rude Behavior & BEARCAT Positions

Still more footage of KPD’s Ken Meola behaving poorly towards Dave Ridley. Ridley also suggests I am “passive aggressive” and that I’ve wasted my time having breakfast with people like Ken. I disagree that it’s time wasted conversing in a humane manner with government workers and politicians. Ridley may be angry, but I am generally not. If I find myself angry, I’ll do my best to admit it, and work on shifting to better feelings. As usual, when someone accuses me of being “passive aggressive”, I think that’s just projection on their part. Ridley wants me to be angry for him, because he feels, perhaps, as though he would be angry in the situations in question.

I’m long past being angry at the government guys. They are just humans doing the wrong thing by aggressing against their peaceful neighbors. Everyone can change – I know I have. Here’s Ridley’s report:

Food Freedom by Eddie Free

Eddie Free is in the house! And he’s talking about raw food and local farmers! The solution to the FDA’s crackdown on healthy food. Healthy food is a solution to healthcare for many who can’t afford insurance.