Shire Activism Never Sleeps

There were a few anarchists in the town where I grew up, and a lot more in the city nearby. But perhaps because these individuals were not as organized as Keeniacs, the activism in which I participated seemed to live or die with my action.

I could get a few of my friends together and shout from a megaphone and sign-wave in Rittenhouse Park. We would go “Robin-Hooding,” where individuals feed parking meters for strangers in an attempt to “cost” the State the “revenue” of the ticket. But even in a city of 1.5 million, there were only a handful of us doing activism on a regular basis. “What’s the deal?” I wondered.


Free Staters “Forcing” Freedom

I’m really confused.

Every time I’ve recently heard someone complain about “Free Staters” I’ve been hearing about how the dreaded “Free Staters” want to “force” their views on people. I’m not a Free Stater, but I’d be proud to call myself one.  For the sake of argument, lets pretend that I am .

I am now a Free Stater.  *click*

You there!  Reading the blog and hating every syllable.  I want you to be left alone to live your life how you see fit so long as you don’t harm anyone.  You disagree?  Tough crap!  I’m going to force you to be left alone!!  By leaving you alone!! Theres nothing you can do to stop me…..!

Ha ha ha ha ha!

This whole forcing liberty thing is apparently an epidemic.  I’m debating it with a guy on the forums in this thread here.   I’m far from the best debater on the planet, so feel free to back me up if you see fit.

End The Drug War, Curtail Terrorism

In the spirit of the summary execution of an unarmed man, CNN has an article today discussing how al Qaeda makes the money it uses to perpetrate violent attacks against the innocent: Drug trafficking, kidnapping fund al Qaeda.  I wonder how much money al Qaeda is making off bootlegging liquor these days.

I often wonder how many times people like me need to point these things out before detractors finally realize that what we’re talking about has some substance to it.

Drug prohibition causes crime.  Drug prohibition funds violent criminal enterprise.  Drug prohibition does the opposite of addressing the problems of drug abuse.

Shouldn’t be long now before I have some fresh stories from across New Hampshire of needless victimization fueled by the insane drug war.

Government Created Crime in NH

On 01/23/11 when Seth Gagne passed a note to a pharmacist in Rochester, NH, his intentions were made quite clear:

Police say he passed a note to a pharmacist saying that if the pharmacist “pushed the button and did not return, (the pharmacist) would die.”
