Maybe we don’t need parking meters

A couple of days ago the Keene Sentinel published the following Letter to the Editor, and the letter has been submitted to the City Council as a formal communication to be heard at an upcoming Council meeting.

For the last couple of years the city council has been debating whether or not, and by how much to increase parking meter rates, and the Parking Czar recently announced his retirement. The City even sued 6 people who were feeding meters to make a political statement, in hopes of creating a debate on whether or not the City even needs parking meters. (more…)

Jared Goodell Interviews Free Keene Blogger on WKBK

Independent local newsman Jared Goodell has become the default fill-in personality for Dan Mitchell, the morning show host on longtime local talk station WKBK. On one of his recent fill-ins, he had me on for the 9am hour and it was lots of fun. I always enjoy the challenging questions from the WKBK callers. We covered the Free State Project, being hated, antics, chalking, the Phat Stuff raid, people’s opinions, school outreach, Robin Hooding, and taxes.  Jared’s an excellent interviewer – he’s not afraid to ask tough questions.  Here’s the full interview, with callers:

AKPF #1: Cultwell

cantshootgunswellusaComing back after a break from internet broadcasts, the producers are happy to announce a new episode of AKPF #1 for cable and webcast, featuring content filmed very recently in the Keene area. IP strikes have delayed the release of some episodes and prevented others from being broadcast on youtube and other free video hosting services. Featuring almost entirely original content, this episode should hopefully remain outside of the grasp of information censors. Enjoy this week’s episode of AKPF #1, Cultwell, featuring an interview with Cantwellism researcher Ethan Glover by Garret Ean.