Misleading Headlines Adorn AP Robin Hooding Story

Robin Hood of KeeneThis piece by AP reporter Lynne Tuohy is being published all over and the headlines vary from misleading to acceptable.

For instance, the worst headline of them all is WCVB‘s, which says, “Keene’s parking meter ‘Robin Hooders’ must back off.” When the people calling themselves “the city” tell you you must do something, generally that means it must be done, or else violence will be used against you. In this case, that’s not at all what has happened. The city of Keene folks WANT Robin Hooders to “back off” and they’ve filed a lawsuit to try to force us to. “We want” is very different from “You must”.

The article itself is more honest, and reveals that in fact the city lost their case at superior court and is appealing to the NH supreme court. Obviously, the author of the article does not choose the headlines, that would be one of the editors of the paper. Thanks to Lynne and the AP for the coverage, despite the awful, seemingly default headline.

Here’s a sampling of headlines that various news outlets chose for this story:

You can see even more here, y mas en Español aquí. Looks like the story was printed in several dozen outlets. Thanks especially to those with more honest headlines.

FOX News Reports on Robin Hood of Keene

Thanks to reporter Cristina Corbin for the detailed coverage of Robin Hood of Keene on FOX News:

Armed with video cameras and pockets full of change, a group of self-styled “Robin Hooders” patrols the streets of Keene, N.H., filling expired meters and relentlessly questioning parking enforcement officers whom they believe are “stealing” from citizens to fill the city’s coffers. (more…)

Black Sheep Rising – Ep74

Robin Hood goes to Washington..err..Concord • James hassled over his retired police cruiser – Show me the law • Infamous FL speed trap town dissolves corrupt police department • Running and losing in the primaries • The chicken coop roof is on fire • James and Garret • Show notes at: BlackSheepRising.org

Keene Sentinel Reports on Robin Hood NH Supreme Court Case

robinThanks to the Keene Sentinel’s Martha Shanahan for coming up to Concord on Wednesday to report on the City of Keene vs Robin Hood case. Here’s the story she filed:

CONCORD — The N.H. Supreme Court heard oral arguments Wednesday morning in the city of Keene’s lawsuit against six people it accuses of harassing and intimidating city parking enforcement officers.


The six defendants named in the case are Graham Colson, James Cleaveland, Garret Ean, Kate Ager, Ian Freeman and Peter Eyre, all affiliated in some way with the Free Keene activist and blogging group that regularly protests government actions in Keene.


The Robin Hooders’ attorney, Jon Meyer of Manchester, said asking the court to allow the city’s request for a buffer zone of 30 feet between the six people and the parking officers would be circumventing existing laws. The Robin Hooders have not been charged with any crime, he said. (more…)