by Ian | Apr 24, 2015 |
I’m happy to announce major changes to the Shire Society forums and the Free Keene commenting system! First, please visit the all-new Shire Society Forum – it’s now being run by modern forum software that should make posting and responding easier than ever. Plus, social networking capability is built-in! That means you can login with your facebook or twitter and easily share interesting posts via your social network!
In addition, I’ve changed out the Disqus comments here on Free Keene with a new provider, Livefyre. Don’t worry, all your old comments made on the Disqus system are still present in the new system. Hope you enjoy the changes!
by Ian | Nov 28, 2014 |
In this excellent new video about Shire Sharing posted to the 101 Reasons youtube channel, several participants are interviewed from Shire Sharing and foundress Amanda Bouldin discusses the impact of the successful charity and its future.
If you’re looking for the strongest community of liberty-loving people, you need to get to New Hampshire. We’ve got an amazing community here and it just keeps getting better as more Free State Project participants move in and bring their unique talents to the market and the activism world. Check out the new video, courtesy of 101 Reasons‘ Beau Davis:
by Ian | Nov 5, 2014 |

Happy Customer Pays With Bitcoin (the Bitcoin Vending Machine is to his left)
Many in the Keene area have read the Sentinel article about local businesses that are accepting bitcoin. Others may have heard about it from word of mouth or other media. Bitcoin is becoming a worldwide phenomenon, and the word is getting out. However it can seem confusing at-a-distance. What is this internet money and how do you get some?
The easiest way is in-person, from either another human, or in this case, a Bitcoin Vending Machine (BVM).
101 Deals Thrift Store just opened its doors on Monday at 661 Marlboro St. (NH RT-101) in Keene and on their first day of business, the Skyhook BVM was present, offering to sell bitcoin to anyone with a bitcoin wallet (usually on their smartphone).
If you don’t have a bitcoin wallet yet, there are a couple of very popular ones you can download for your favorite phone operating system: Blockchain or Mycelium. Once you have your wallet installed, drop into 101 Deals (seven-days-a-week!) with some cash and try out the Bitcoin Vending Machine.

101 Deals’ Proprietors James Cleaveland and Jay Freeville
You can keep your bitcoin, or when the transaction is confirmed in the Bitcoin network, you can use some of it to buy something you want in the store, since 101 Deals accepts bitcoin for purchases, just as do several other local businesses including Corner News, The Farm Concessions, Moda Suo Hair Salon, Carroll Garden Center in Marlboro, and Stone Farm in Fitzwilliam!
The 101 Deals BVM is the only one in the region, according to What an exciting development for the future of decentralized money in the Monadnock region! To learn more about Bitcoin, visit or drop in to meet the local bitcoin community on the Keene Bitcoin Network facebook group.
by Ian | Aug 1, 2014 |
Liberty activists are back at the 2014 Cheshire Fair for our third year! In addition to the usual liberty-oriented propaganda, this year’s booth features a bitcoin vending machine! If you haven’t gotten started with bitcoin yet, drop by and we can set you up with a free bitcoin wallet from and you can fund the wallet with bitcoin via the vending machine at the table.
Like last year, the Shire Society Declaration is available for you to sign and keep, so come on out! The fair runs through this Sunday.
UPDATE 8/1 – Over a hundred Bitcoin flyers have been distributed thus far, bitcoin wallets have been set up, and response from those stopping is very positive. See you at the fair!

Josie Wales and Chris Cantwell talk about Bitcoin to attendees at the 2014 Cheshire Fair
by Derrick Horton | Jul 12, 2014 |
Last night there was a DUI checkpoint in Manchester, NH. Some activists caught wind about the event and created signs to warn drivers to divert their paths. Dozens of activists participated, and probably hundreds of drivers were saved from unwanted interactions with police. Some people handed out “Know Your Rights” cards to passers-by on the street. I took video throughout the night to document this effective activism. One of the highlights of my night was rolling through the traffic stop with James “Robin Hood” Cleaveland. The checkpoint begins 5 minutes into the video. Here’s how it went:
by Derrick Horton | Jun 12, 2014 |
Do you love to watch the activist videos you see at Did you know that there are two “raw” channels where you can find all the uncut versions of the footage–before they hit the editing room floor? Garret Ean and I upload all of our footage to YouTube daily, whether it gets used or not. If you’re a skeptic, this is a great way to call out the activists for what you believe they’ve edited out. Dig in! Here’s just a taste of what you’ve been missing:
Videos from June 7, 2014
Videos from June 6, 2014
Shire Free Church Tax Hearing (Angle 1)
Shire Free Church Tax Hearing (Angle 2)
Shire Free Church Tax Hearing (Angle 3)