State House 4/20 Celebration Scheduled for ‘Easter’ Sunday

As has occurred annually since 2010, the 4/20 celebration is organized to proceed as usual on 2013_420rallythe state house lawn in Concord, New Hampshire. The disobedience rally in the supreme political venue provided by the state house originally occurred at the revered time on Guy Fawkes Day of 2009, and became a yearly occurrence when a larger group held a celebration in April of 2010. Free Concord has covered the event in 2011, 2012, and 2013, and is expected to collect content from the ritual again. Check out the facebook event page for details on the upcoming festivities.

Agora Cab Runs on Bitcoin

Need a ride around New Hampshire? Agora Cab does a great job shuttling people around efficiently at far cheaper rates than more traditional cab services. While primarily based out of Manchester, Agora Cab frequently goes to and from Keene, and has been a lifeline for activists seeking to travel between the two. Also, Bitcoin is their preferred mode of payment, so if you’re looking to keep government money out of the transaction, you’re in luck.

When my car was out of commission because the state took my plates, I heavily relied on Agora Cab to get to and from work without completely depleting my financial reserves. It just goes to show the power of the community in voluntarily providing a valuable service that the state regulates; or, in my case, completely removes.

The Free State Project through the eyes of a new mover

On January 25th 2014 I made the move to Manchester New Hampshire for the Free State Project.  In my short time here I have witnessed such amazing aspects of the liberty community that exists in Manchester and New Hampshire in general.  The community here is very strong and vibrant.


Agora Cab accepts payment from a customer, in bitcoin

      After a short time here one very quickly begins to realize that the free voluntary society that we are all passionate about is literally being created in Manchester as well as across New Hampshire. From Keene to the Lakes Region down to Manchester/Nashua and the Free Coast, people are here right now being active for liberty. There is infrastructure in that there are multiple buildings such as Area 23 and the Quill in Manchester where people in the liberty community can hold meetings, events, and of course socialize. Agorism is a large part of this community as well.  There are multiple businesses in operation that have not sought permission from “the state”. (more…)

Gov Hassan Presents Official New Hampshire Vodka

maggie_hassan01nhliquorNews came out yesterday following a press conference that the state of New Hampshire was sponsoring a special edition vodka in a decorate new bottle featuring the late Old Man of the Mountain. At 29.99usd, the maple-syrup bottlesque hard liquor was made available to state liquor dispensaries in Concord, but likely will not be arriving into the Cheshire county area until Friday. Profits attained from the drug sales will be directed towards repairing dilapidated flags of some historical value. Walking through the local liquor store in search of the bottle to document, I was amazed at how casually the state promotes and distributes the world’s most destructive drug. How long could it possibly be before a New Hampshire governor introduces an official state strain of cannabis to the public in celebration of the holiday season? The Nashua Telegraph captured some video from the parodist press conference. No mentions of liquor or drug-related issues facing New Hampshire are mentioned in many of the corporate news stories republishing the state’s alcohol marketing through the frame of selling “commemorative bottles”.

nhliquorlibraryhassan3b (more…)

Darryl W. Perry Responds to the Keene Sentinel’s Questionnaire

Full Name: Darryl W. Perry
Age: 35
Education: Associates in Mass Communications
Occupation: Owner/Managing Editor of Free Press Publications, Author, Radio Personality
Organizations to which you belong / have belonged: LAVA (Founder & Life Member), Ballot Access Fairness Coalition (Founder), Deny Consent (Co-Founder), NH Liberty Party (Co-Founder & Co-Chair), Zero Aggression Project (Associate Founder), Second Amendment Foundation (Life member), Libertarian Party (Life member), Cheshire TV, Downsize DC, Firearms Owners Against Crime, Free State Project
Public/government Service: At-Large Rep to the National Committee of the Boston Tea Party 2008-2010
Chairman of the National Committee of the Boston Tea Party 2010-2012
Co-Chair NH Liberty Party 2012-Present
Board Member, Cheshire TV 2012-Present

1. Why are you running for mayor?
In a State that prides itself on political involvement, it is somewhat ironic that there are so few candidates for local office. I am running to give the voters a choice. On November 5, voters will have two choices for mayor, had I not filed, they would not have had a choice at all.

2. What are the three biggest issues facing city government and what can – and should – the mayor do about them? (more…)

Robin Hooder and AKPF Agent on Free Will

2013_09_19_akpfIf you were fortunate enough to catch all of AKPF #1 special protest edition installment Aqua Kommunity Protest Fountain #1, then you had the opportunity to hear a conversation between merry person Garret and AKPF agent Jane regarding free will and predestination. In addition to the privilege of being exposed to complex philosophical positions, this visual piece also offers a window into the state of Robin Hooding and parking enforcement on July 25 2013, when this footage was captured. There’s plenty that could be said on the topic, considering that the concept of determinism was only briefly broached. Keep eyes out for further analysis to be published here. See the 8 1/2 minute illustrated segment embedded below: