AKPF #1: Three Dolla Grill

This new installment of AKPF #1 includes more footage from the joyous celebration annual 2014_07_01_dollarflag2014 Porcupine Freedom Festival. In addition to these ominous scenes, the audience is treated to analysis of cinematic productions framed through the lens of parking enforcement. To conclude the session, we learn about all sorts of anti-authoritarian artwork imported form another state.

0:00 Cheshire TV warning disclaimer
0:10 AKPF #1 title card
0:12 Ideological analysis of They Live by Slavoj Zizek as featured in documentary
1:11 Obamacoin transaction footage
4:58 Battleground Keene
5:47 Distorted reality
6:11 Three Dolla Grill PF-XI
13:42 Chicken and Bacon
14:23 Read all directions and instructions before use, warning danger
15:12 Ideological analysis of lie in The Dark Knight by Slavoj Zizek as sourced from The Pervert’s Guide to Ideology
15:51 An ignoble lie
16:10 5ive (5) five gum trailer footage
18:21 The Art of people against authority; religious and political
28:43 The beach of Surry end credits
28:50 End disclaimer of the Cheshire Television

Chris Cantwell Returns to NH, Shoots, Burns US Flag: VIDEO

Chris CantwellCrass comedian Christopher Cantwell has made the move back to New Hampshire, though this time not as part of the Free State Project. Chris is one of a handful of people to be kicked out of the FSP in over a decade. However, he is still a believer in the idea of moving liberty-oriented people to the same place so we can be more free together, and he knows that NH is the place to be to be around others who care about freedom. So, he’s back, having left New York, ostensibly for good this time.

I wrote this editorial when he left originally, explaining what went wrong with his first stay in NH.

Many of the personal issues that Chris has, including anger, are still present. However, he has gotten his drinking under control, which I am happy to see. Many within the liberty movement are very understandably upset with Chris over various things he’s said over the years. Many wonder why I’m so friendly to him.

The reason I’m friendly to Chris, despite the bridges he’s burned in the liberty community, is the same reason I’m friendly to the police. I want to communicate the ideas of peace and liberty to others, even with those I disagree, and yelling or being mean doesn’t build bridges. I want to be forgiving and model peaceful evolution. (more…)

Hilarious Letter to Sentinel Proposes Near-Total Chalk Prohibition

Last Sunday John F. DiBernardo wrote this tongue-in-cheek LTE to the Keene Sentinel:


It is obvious to everyone in the area that the city of Keene has a problem with people writing and drawing with chalk on the sidewalks of the downtown business district. There have been many suggestions as to how to deal with this scourge, but none as basic, simple and reasonable as the solution I propose. The root of the problem is quite clear: the easy availability of chalk enables anyone to just grab a piece of chalk and, perhaps in a heated moment, or as an act of depraved indifference, to commit acts of drawing or writing that will be rued by all sensible members of society.


No rights are limitless; all we need are reasonable, commonsense city laws controlling the sale and possession of chalk. (more…)

BREAKING: James “Robin Hood” Cleaveland Arrested

robin-hood-james-cleaveland-keeneDetails are scarce at the moment, but it appears that Robin Hood himself, aka James Cleaveland has been arrested, purportedly as he attempted to gather news about a standoff between an allegedly suicidal man and Keene police.

The Keene Sentinel has a developing story regarding the standoff, which has apparently ended after shots have been fired. Some activists returning from the scene believe that the allegedly suicidal man shot himself. Regarding James’ arrest, no other activists were apparently there to witness it and details are unclear as to if James was recording at the time or not.

UPDATE 12am Eastern: James is out and was interviewed on Peace News Now with Derrick J on LRN.FM.

According to his interview with Derrick J, James has been charged with “Disorderly Conduct” and “Resisting Arrest”. He says he was trying to comply and had agreed to move backwards. He says the police have confiscated his camera. James will be arraigned at Keene district court on 9/2 at 8:30am.

AKPF #1: Festivial

groupphotoporcfestThis week’s stellar installment of the AKPF #1 series features footage captured during the annual Porcupine Freedom Festival, held between June 22-29 in Lancaster, New Hampshire. The gathering was noteworthy for the prolific use of alternative currency by attendees, where vendors readily accepted not only cryptocurrency, but also the elusive Obamacoin, which traded at both three for one dollar as well as the spot price of four per dollar. As usual, the event set a record for participants in attendance.