Don’t Stay in School
My little sisters are in 7th grade. They’re good students. They work hard, they lead group projects, and they spend hours each night on homework. Tonight, I sent them an email encouraging to drop out.
My little sisters are in 7th grade. They’re good students. They work hard, they lead group projects, and they spend hours each night on homework. Tonight, I sent them an email encouraging to drop out.
Darryl W Perry walked into the Cheshire County House of Corrections this Friday. He walked out today, Monday. However, according to Mr Perry, he was not corrected.
Darryl was sentenced $163 in fines for the offenses of “Residency” and “Operating a Vehicle That is Not Registered”. What that means in plain English is that Darryl has a valid driver’s license in Arizona, but the State of New Hampshire alleges that Darryl is a resident of New Hampshire and must change his license over to New Hampshire.
New Hampshire law specifies that an inhabitant is not necessarily a resident, and Darryl asserts that he is not a resident. Therefore, he is not required to apply for a new license. Even if he wanted to, Darryl points out that he lacks the documents the State needs to prove residency. Even if he were able to acquire the forms and signatures necessary, he still wouldn’t be granted a new license because he has a warrant out of South Carolina (also for victimless crimes).
Darryl kept his spirits high throughout the experience. He had a celebratory lunch before going in and plans to have a celebratory supper now that he is out. Darryl produces a daily podcast and content at
I took a break from my life of tireless activism in the Free State to visit my former home of Arizona. I was soon reminded of why I left, why I went Galt.
People the world over remain preoccupied with survival. With finances. With hobbies and fulfillment. And, most importantly, with the eternal quest for meaning. An unlucky few of us see the world as it is, in a state of slavery and oppression. Yet, we are powerless to change that unfortunate human condition. And so we are forced to live out our constant quest for fulfillment, only with the added weight of knowing the world to be fallen.
That was me most of my young professional life, only I lacked the realism to give up on the world. When all my aspirations for success in love and labor fell away, all I had left were dreams of a better tomorrow. Instead of attempting one last futile grasp at what I had lost, I made a desperate search for the frontlines of liberty, to spend what was left of my life in service to a mad dream.
How did that desperate stand pan out? The best way to judge that is to see what happened when I tried to step back into my old life.
The short version is that I couldn’t go back. Too much had changed, and it saddened me to see old friends and colleagues in the same jaded scramble for a better version of nothing special. Never before was the distinction between existing and living so clear, and I was grateful to be a member of the second category.
The truth is, some elements of New Hampshire are an idea boom town. People with radical ways of thinking and even more radical passion are moving from across the world to the one place humanity can make a stand for a bright future. While the rest of the world remains preoccupied with making its jail cells more comfortable, in the Free State people are clawing an escape tunnel out of the very granite. What I experienced by visiting my former home was hope withdrawal.
And as I write this I’m returning to my new home, and will barely have set foot on New Hampshire soil before I rejoin my activist brethren in the struggle against oppression.
Back to the frontlines.
Joël Valenzuela is the editor of The Desert Lynx.
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After being able to give four separate presentations at Keene High School, Liberty in North Korea‘s Northeast Nomads dropped by the Keene Activist Center on Saturday afternoon and had a good session presenting to local liberty activists. Their message was focusing on the “Jangmadang Generation”, the millennials who have grown up to understand how the marketplace means freedom. Jangmadang means “market grounds”. It is the market that has provided, illegally, for the feeding and education of the North Korean people after the government-provided famine of the 1990s.
It was during the famine that people learned to take care of themselves and to no longer rely on the state, as relying on the state was leading to starvation.
Today, the underground market in North Korea is smuggling in laptops, USB drives, and other media to help expand the minds of the North Korean people.
The hat was passed after the presentation and they received cash support from the attendees. Though LiNK is not yet accepting Bitcoin, hopefully they will soon. Thanks to Esther (pictured), James, and Tiffany for their dedication to human freedom!
I look forward to participating in what will be the second annual Keenevention this weekend. The forum taking place at the Best Western Plus Sovereign Hotel on Winchester Street will feature panels and speeches by New Hampshire’s activist community. In addition to a panel focusing on Direct Action that I will be hosting on Sunday, I was also asked to speak on Saturday’s media panel by organizer Mark Edge. When I agreed, I was not informed who else would be on the panel, though I expected that organizers would only select participants of honorable reputation when showcasing the most effective activists that New Hampshire offers.
While there is certainly a need for diversity of perspective within the activist community, there are standards that a reasonable person would expect individuals would hold each other to if we wish to make any sort of collective impact. As a peace activist, anyone who directly advocated or applauds the use of violence can be objectively classified as having beliefs counter to my own. For myself, I am wasting my most valuable asset, my time, if I support those working against my interests, those who are promoting ideas that are the opposite of my own.
It was once consensus within the libertarian and anarchist community of greater Keene that embracing peace was equally imperative to embracing ideas of social liberty. For whatever reason over the past year or so, that sentiment has changed as some formerly positive spirits have darkened amidst of heightened wave of reactionary opposition. (more…)
Ruth Sterling has already faced consequences for her aggression. Here’s one of her memes by Bill Walsh on Facebook. lol!
Rather than grandstanding with a lawsuit, Jared instead uses the opportunity to remind us of the value of freedom of speech and of the press:
From the moment that Ms. Sterling came onto the live TV set during the Pumpkin Festival, I cited the First Amendment of the Constitution of The United States and my right to report on the violence occurring at the Pumpkin Festival. Ms. Sterling’s threats to “pull the plug” on my report seriously undermined Freedom of the Press.
Since the founding of this country, town commons across the United States have served as the place where any person could share their opinions and views. From soapboxes to gazebos, TV cameras and reporters, all viewpoints were accepted without prejudice at this sacred community gathering point. I find it fitting that last Saturday, the First Amendment was tested in Keene’s downtown common.
If there is any lesson to be learned from this video (more…)