10 Critical Ingredients To Ignite Small Government Campaigns

by Carla Howell from The Center for Small Government

Poll after poll shows that most Americans think government is too big. They want to shrink the size of government.

Our best shot at advancing small government is to run campaigns – ballot initiatives and candidates for office – that feature bold, small government proposals. Those proposals must actually shrink Big Government while appealing to the voters who want small government.

What kind of proposal serves this purpose? One that contains all ten critical ingredients: (more…)

Hands down to hands-free

Cel PhoneOnce again the NH Legislature is showing its increasingly anti-freedom bent by trying to ban the use of handheld cellphones while driving.

The following paragraph is from www.stateline.org:

“A University of Utah study released in February found that 18- to 25-year-old drivers talking on a cell phone with a headset reacted as slowly as 65- to 74-year-old drivers without cell phones. Older drivers also reacted more slowly while talking on cell phone, the report said. Wireless phone companies, on the other hand, point to research that using a cell phone is among the least common distractions for drivers. A 2003 study funded by AAA found that fiddling with radio dials, eating and drinking, talking with passengers, grooming, reading and writing were more common activities for drivers than talking on a phone.”

Allow me to put this another way. (more…)

Another email to Representative Burridge

The following is an email I sent to representative Burridge regarding his conduct and HB92


Dear Representative Burridge,

I would like to take the time to write you regarding your stand on HB92, as well as your remarks to my colleague, Toby Iselin.

You claim to represent the people here in Keene. As such, you must be approachable. Your constituents must trust that they can approach you with their concerns about pending legislation. You have betrayed that trust by forwarding a constituent’s email to the local police department.


Another response to Rep. Burridge

Count me in as someone who astounded at Mr. Burridge’s reply to Toby’s email. I not only covered this on WKBK this morning (shameless plug: go to wkbkam.com and select streaming audio to hear the show) but drafted my own response to him. I’ve also been trying to reach Executive Councilor Deb Pignatelli about Mr. Burridge’s conduct toward one of his constituents. Her office number is 603-888-5245 but has been out of order today, probably due to the ice storm. Below is my email response. (more…)

Action Item: Marijuana

Keene Area Residents: Please contact Delmar Burridge at 603-352-5363 or 603-542-7744 and tell him you’d like him to vote for HB92 to decriminalize marijuana.