NH Seatbelt laws: Who owns your body???

leo_revenue_enhancement.gif Seat belt laws represent unabated tyranny on the march as each year law enforcement is expanded. Such laws infringe on a person’s rights as guaranteed in the Fourth, Fifth, and the Ninth Amendments, and the Civil Rights section of the Fourteenth Amendment.

Seat belt laws are an unwarranted intrusion by government into the personal lives of citizens; they deny through prior restraint the right to determine a person’s own safety and health care standards for his/her own body. Not using a seat belt is a victimless, state-created crime that does not hurt or threaten anyone. (more…)

March meeting success

free-keene-crew.jpg I had a good time this afternoon at Free Keene’s second monthly meeting at Panera. There was roughly a 33% increase in attendance this month, with thirteen present.

The first topic at hand was a request for a change in the location of the next meeting. Details on April’s Free Keene meeting will be posted soon. Next the crew discussed important outreach tools such as an Operation Politically Homeless booth at the Cheshire Fair, letters to the editor, local FIJA protests, and online networking.

Mark has announced he will be producing a new show on Cheshire TV, the local cable access channel that hosts Free Minds TV.

The group strategized and socialized for about ninety minutes chalking up a second successful meeting. I hope you’ll join us next month.

Finally, don’t forget to check out Tilting at Windmills 2007 next Saturday!

Medical Marijuana Action Alert!

Pot LeafFolks may recall that last year, the NHLA created the “Fire Brigade”, a volunteer liberty-emergency alert system.
Effective immediately, the Fire Brigade is activated in an effort to pass HB 774, legalizing medical marijuana.

This bill is likely to be voted on by the full House of Representatives this Tuesday. NH Common Sense, the NH Marijuana Policy Initiative, and the NH Liberty Alliance are working together on this effort.

The legislature is divided on this issue. It really could go either way. Whether the State of New Hampshire continues to persecute sick and dying patients, or grants them compassion and dignity, is going to depend on YOU. Not “someone”, not “them”, but YOU, individually and personally.

Are you willing to spend just a few minutes to make a real difference? (more…)

Become a Free Keene Supporter!

MoneyWe here at Free Keene have big plans: Running pro-Liberty city council candidates, doing outreach to spread the message of Liberty, continuing to develop and bring you Liberty-oriented media like Free Minds TV, and more. We want you to be a part of it. How? Two ways.

1. Get active. Some suggestions: Attend our monthly meetups or anything else on the ToDo Calendar. Tell friends and family about Free Keene. Show them the 8 minute “Philosophy of Liberty” video. Turn them on to Free Minds TV, Free Talk Live, the Eric Scott Show, and the Keene Free Press. Get active in our Forum. And/or #2:

2. Support us with your dollars. Become a Free Keene supporter for as little as $3 per month. The things we’re doing do cost money in addition to time. Three dollars may not seem like much, but when multiple people are supporting us at $3 each, it can add up! Please visit http://contribute.freekeene.com to learn more and sign up!

Free Keene is now listed in Google News

As the guy behind the scenes who makes sure that Free Keene stays up and running, even though certain people would rather it didn’t, you all probably won’t hear much from me. (I have a site of my own to write for, and it takes up much of my time. Plus, I live in Manchester.) But on rare occasions I’ll have news for you.

So it is today that I’m happy to report that Free Keene is now listed as a news source in Google News. Several weeks ago, when the site first got going, I submitted it to Google News, and never heard anything back. But today, while doing a news search, I found Free Keene in the news results.

Being listed in Google News will bring the message of liberty in Keene to an international audience. Congratulations to all of you who write for Free Keene, for it was your writing, more than anything I did, that made this possible.